10/22/2020 1 Comment Parish Bulletin - October 18, 2020![]() Our Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.” Psalm 23 October 18, 2020 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: St. Therese of Lisieux – Little Flower - Therese died when she was 24, after having lived as a cloistered Carmelite for less than ten years. She never went on missions, never founded a religious order, never performed great works. The only book of hers, published after her death, was a brief edited version of her journal called "Story of a Soul." (Collections of her letters and restored versions of her journals have been published recently.) Within 28 years of her death, the public demand was so great that she was canonized. Information from the following website accessed, October 14, 2020: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=105 Masses Intentions Mon., Oct 19 No Mass Tues., Oct. 20, 6:30 pm (Facebook) +Georgina Hounsel – Brother Paul & Faye Laliberte Wed., Oct. 21, 6:30 pm (Parish Church & Facebook) +Georgina Hounsel – Brother Paul & Faye Laliberte Thurs, Oct. 22, 6:30 pm (Facebook) +Georgina Hounsel – Sister Rose & Bill McKay Fri., Oct. 23, 6:30 pm (Facebook) +Georgina Hounsel – Sister Rose & Bill McKay Sat, Oct. 24, 9:00 a.m. (Facebook) Anonymous Sat., Oct. 24, 7 p.m. (Parish Hall) People of God Sun., Oct. 25, 10 a.m. Parish Church & Facebook People of God Sun., Oct. 25, 12:30 pm St. Jude’s, Green Lake People of God Sun., Oct. 25, 3:30 Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen People of God PARISH EVENTS: This week in the parish:
Celebrating our Faith and keeping one another safe during COVID-19: The Parish Hall is reserved for Saturday night mass and parish meetings. It is not available for rent. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to use the Hall for a parish meeting to avoid conflicts. When taking part in mass at the Parish Hall or in the Parish Church Building: Please be sure to call the Parish Office (NOT FR. DOUG) BEFORE FRIDAY NOON, if you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity. We do not want to turn someone away from the door on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Leave a message for the secretary. Bishop’s Appeal - The Bishop’s Annual Appeal launched on Sunday, October 4, 2020, until December 31, 2020. The Bishop’s video can be viewed in English or French on the Diocesan Website at https://www.padiocese.ca/bishops-appeal or on the Diocesan Facebook page Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert.
Christmas Shoeboxes: Contact Pat or Rhys Beaulieu at 306-236-5959 to get your shoebox to fill. More information will come later. 100 pages of Gratitude - Celebrating the Ministry of Bishop Albert Thevenot, M. Afr. A plan is being developed to invite Bishop Thevenot to Deanery 6 (Meadow Lake, Goodsoil, St. Walburg and Paradise Hill Clusters) in early November (depending on Sask Health Guidelines at the time). Our plan is to have a prayer celebration on Saturday afternoon. Representatives (Pastoral Council Chairs) from the 12 faith communities will be invited along with the priests to gather with the Bishop for a time of prayer and a few words of gratitude. We cannot serve a lunch or gather as a large group. In the Meadow Lake Cluster we are invited to take an 8 ½ x 11 inch paper and write or draw an expression of gratitude/an offer of prayer or best wishes or simply a sheet full of signatures. We will gather all the pages together and make a booklet of gratitude for him. Please bring your gratitude pages to the Sunday liturgy or to the Parish Office as soon as possible. My hope is that we can gather at least 100 hundred pages of gratitude to present to Bishop Albert at our celebration. A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen What’s your Catholic IQ? Last week’s answer. St. Peter was (a) a fisherman. This week’s question – The saint who, according to legend, wiped the face of Jesus with her veil when He fell on his way to Golgotha is (a) St. Veronica (b) St. Anne (c) St. Catherine of Siena (d) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton? Check our next bulletin for the answer. From Fr. Doug: On Wednesday, Oct. 14, I was involved in a Zoom meeting. As you know I am a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and I belong to OMI Lacombe Canada Province. On Wednesday, our members gathered virtually on Zoom. Our members tuned in from across Canada, the United States, Kenya and Cameroun. The purpose of the meeting was to discern the direction of our community for the next few years. We want to look back and evaluate those things that have been helpful to our community life and mission; we want to heal that which is in need of healing; we want to listen to where the Spirit is leading us; and we want to gather up the life that is of value and bring it with us into the future. Our synodal process will involve unpacking our life experience through story telling and listening to each other in a generative way. Generative listening involves listening without judging or reacting, with an open heart and an open will (entertaining all possibilities). Our synodal process will involve making choices that bring life to our community and to the Mission that has been entrusted to us by the Church, the People of God. We will continue to have Zoom meetings throughout the coming year since it is not possible for us to gather physically. I shall keep you informed of our discernment and where we believe the Spirit is leading us. Mission Sunday: The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate have served the people of Canada for more than 175 years and established the Catholic Church in the Canadian West. We continue to do missionary work in Canada and abroad (Kenya and Peru). We are proud of the daring spirit of our early missionaries and of our perseverance in difficult missions today. You may desire to become a missionary associate and partner with us in our compassionate humanitarian work. We invite you to receive a copy of Oblate Spirit on a regular basis (free of charge) by contacting the MAMI office at 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0C9 or by Toll Free phone: 1-866-432-6264 or by e-mail: [email protected] The Oblate Spirit publication is also available on-line in both English and French at: www.omilacombe.ca/mami/oblate-spirit October - Month of Mary and the Rosary - The Diocesan Vocation Team is inviting us to pray the rosary for Vocations. We are invited to ask Mary to intercede for our diocese that we might be blessed with single, married, religious men and women and priests who will serve the Church and help us to proclaim the Good News! Sunday, November 1, at 5:30 pm: VIRTUAL POTLUCK - Mark your calendars and join us for the Virtual All Saints/Thanksgiving/Fall Supper on Facebook. More details to follow. Wednesday, November 4, at 6:30 pm - Remembering our Deceased Family and Friends. We will celebrate a special mass in honor of all those who have died since last November 2019. If you have lost a loved one you are invited to come to this mass as we remember our deceased brothers and sisters. We will remember their names and the gifts they offered us during their lifetime. Please call the Parish Office to register. DIOCESAN NEWS AND EVENTS
CATHOLIC FAMILY SERVICES - COUNSELLING SERVICES: In response to Covid-19 and until further notice, counselling services will continue to be available by PHONE or VIDEO CONFERENCING only. To make an appointment to speak with a Counsellor. Please call (306)922-3202. Mon- Fri.- 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
1 Comment
Bezombes Suzanne
11/11/2021 00:15:20
Bonjour, je m'appelle Suzanne Bezombes,et effectué des recherches sur Notre Dame de Paix dans le monde. Ceci à partir de l'histoire d'une statuette en bois de style Renaissance (1520) ayant appartenue au Capucin Ange de Joyeuse, et qui depuis la fin du XIXème siècle se trouve à Paris, Picpus chez les religieuses des Sacrés Coeurs de Jésus .Vous avez une très belle copie en couleur dont je souhaiterais utiliser l'image pour figurer dans un livre que j'écris sur l'histoire remarquable de cette statue. Merci de me répondre sur ce point, et si vous avez une photo et des commentaires sur votre statue, je vous serais reconnaissante de bien vouloir me les communiquer. Cordialement.Suzanne Bezombes, secrétaire général des Amis de la Ville et de la Cité de Carcassonne, sociétaire de l'académie des Arts et Sciences et de la Société des Études Scientifique de l'Aude.
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
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