ALSO SERVING OUR LADY OF THE SMILE PARISH, WATERHEN LAKE AND ST. JUDE’S PARISH, GREEN LAKE OFFICE HOURS: CLOSED MONDAY TUESDAY - FRIDAY 1-4:00 PM Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 We are his people: the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100 Refrain June 18, 2023 - 11 th Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR VISION: A COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES OUR MISSION WE COMMIT TO FORM DISCIPLES WHO JOYFULLY AND FAITHFULLY LIVE OUT THE MISSION OF JESUS CHRIST BY ENRICHING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND NEIGHBOUR THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF OUR LADY OF PEACE. PASTOR: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI PARISH SECRETARY: Pat Bencharski Masses Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., June 19 – No mass Tues., June 20 – 10:00 am Liturgy with Communion at the Lodge Tues., June 20 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) +Maurice Vandale and +Brittany McNab by Edna Vandale Wed., June 21 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) +Jeff smith by Eleonore & Gaylen Smith Thurs., June 22 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) +Robert G. Morin by Florence Morin Fri., June 23 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) Anonymous Sat., June 24 – 5:00 pm (St. Jude’s Green Lake) People of God Sun., June 25 – 10:00 am – (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) People of God Sun., June 25 – 3:00 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen) People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. Join us this Sunday after mass for burgers, salads and squares in honor of Father’s Day 2. On Thursday, June 22nd we will have a Baptismal Formation Session at 6:30 pm. Please make sure to read and complete Lessons Eight and Nine. Fr. Doug will facilitate the conversations for this session. 3. The office will be closed Tuesday, June 20th. 4. Pastoral Council Meeting June 20th after the 6:30 pm mass. Sunday Collection – June 11: Meadow Lake $966.55; Children’s Collection $9.60 Green Lake – $550.00 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for June – For the abolition of torture – We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families. NEEDING A JANITOR OR JANITORS – The Finance Council is looking for one or two people who are willing to clean the Parish Hall after our functions (payment to be negotiated). If you or someone you know is interested in providing on demand cleaning, please call the Parish Office as soon as possible. We cannot rent the Parish Hall without having someone to clean it. Thanks for your help in this matter. Please Note – Both parish emails have been changed. The new email for the pastor is [email protected]. The new email for the secretary is [email protected]. We will be checking the old emails for another week or so but please update our contact as soon as possible. Thank you! National Indigenous Day - For generations, many Indigenous groups and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on June 21 or around that time of year because of the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year. National Aboriginal Day, now National Indigenous Peoples Day, was announced in 1996 by then Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc, through the Proclamation Declaring June 21 of Each Year as National Aboriginal Day. This was the result of consultations and statements of support for such a day made by various Indigenous groups: in 1982, the National Indian Brotherhood, now the Assembly of First Nations, called for the creation of National Aboriginal Solidarity Day in 1995, the Sacred Assembly, a national conference of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people chaired by Elijah Harper, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Indigenous Peoples also in 1995, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended the designation of a National First Peoples Day On June 21, 2017, the Prime Minister issued a statement announcing the intention to rename this day National Indigenous Peoples Day. National Indigenous Peoples Day is part of the Celebrate Canada program, which also includes Saint-Jean- Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1. Taken from the following website: https://www.rcaanc- cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100013718/1534874583157?wbdisable=true#:~:text=Indigenous%20Peoples%20Day %3F- ,What%20is%20National%20Indigenous%20Peoples%20Day%3F,Nations%2C%20Inuit%20and%20M%C3%A 9tis%20peoples. Carpenter High School, June 21 - On June 21, at noon, Fr. Doug along with a member of the Pastoral Council will go to Carpenter High School. The names of students who are engaging in further studies and have registered their name for the Our Lady of Peace Parish Scholarship will have their names entered in a draw. Two names will be pulled from the basket for scholarships. They will receive their funds once their applications are approved, and their enrolment ensured. Let us continue to pray for all our young people who are graduating this year. May they know the presence of God in their lives! Finance Council Report - On Wednesday, June 14, the Finance Council met. Some of the highlights of the meeting include: - Concern was expressed about our ability to hire janitors to clean the Parish Hall after events and functions. Given that there has been no response from parishioners re: possible people to hire – the decision was made to post the job in the local community. - The dishwasher in the rectory has arrived and has been installed and is working great. Fr. Doug is happy and making good use of it. - Reviewed the Annual General Meeting – Finances, Buildings and Property. We were pleased with the separation of the two themes: Pastoral Ministry and Finances. Appreciation was expressed for those who took part in the meeting. Appreciated the clear presentation of information. Found that it was a good experience. - Given our need to review the relationship of our parish to the three cemeteries (St. Cyr, Cabana and St. Cyprian), Margaret and Pat will begin by talking to the RM and then discussing with people who have been caring for the cemeteries. They will oversee these conversations in the coming months in conjunction with Fr. Michael from the Diocese. - Renewed our commitment to resolving the ‘sewer smell’ that seems to be present around the rectory. Folks notice it on Sunday morning when coming to mass. - We approved the purchase of a statue of Our Lady of Peace for our Parish - Fundraising – we are considering a garage sale for September and a possible cash Bingo; we committed to doing our Annual Fall Supper for the last Sunday in October. - Pat provided us with an updated Financial Report. A review of our current financial situation shows that we are on track with our Budget thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. - We reviewed a proposal for a brochure to encourage parishioners to think about leaving a bequest to Our Lady of Peace Parish. - We will explore the idea of moving the stove from the Parish Office to the Parish Hall. - We will look at changing the paper towel dispensers in the Parish Hall from Battery Operated to Manually Operated – similar to the ones in the Parish Office. - We will look into the cost of repairing the hand of the statue (Our Lady of Grace) at our Grotto - Fr Doug will talk with Rhys about the lighting at the Grotto. - We will explore how we might support Our Lady of the Smile Parish in their fundraising efforts to furnish their new Church Building. - With Fr. Doug’s move we will explore whether the inside of the rectory should be painted prior to the arrival of Fr. Uche - Given that Fr. Uche is from Nigeria and has no experience with Canada – people, climate and buildings the Finance Council will have to take an even more active role in maintaining our buildings and property. Fr. Doug is preparing a manual to help Fr. Uche adjust to Meadow Lake. - Bishop Stephen Hero has asked that the parish choose four people to assist Fr. Uche in his adjustment to the parish/cluster and ministry. They will be asked to provide encouragement, support, and guidance so as to help Fr. Uche succeed in his ministry as Administrator of our parish. Fr. Uche will be enrolled in an online enculturation course offered by Newman Theological College in the coming Fall and Winter semesters. Meeting with Bishop Stephen Hero at Waterhen – On Tuesday, our Bishop came to Meadow Lake and picked me up and we made the drive to Waterhen Lake to meet with members of the parish. After meeting everyone we listened as parishioners shared with us the history of the parish among the Waterhen People. We also listened as people shared what is happening in the parish today and how life today is encouraging us to build a slightly different building than what we previously had. Our building will be a gathering place for the people, to encounter each other and to worship God together, celebrating the sacraments, those key moments when God blesses us, making visible his grace, his love and mercy. We then reviewed with Bishop Stephen our design and asked him for feedback. He thanked the people and encouraged them in their efforts. After approving our design the next step will be for us to get a technical drawing from a qualified draftsperson. Following that we will get a sense of our costs to build and to furnish our building. Once we know the costs, we will work to find funding for the construction of the building and for the furnishing of the building. This will mark our fundraising stage. When the funds are in place the construction will begin. Please remember us as we continue our journey of building and rebuilding the community of faith at Waterhen. Purchase of Our Lady of Peace Statue - After some research I have found that we can purchase a coloured fiberglass- statue of Our Lady of Peace for $8900.00. The statue of the Sacred Heart will be relocated to the back corner of the Sanctuary – to the right of the Presider’s Chair. The statue of Our Lady of Peace will replace it. If you would like to make a donation to help cover the cost of the purchase of the Statue please drop your donation into an envelope with the word STATUE on the envelope or on the memo line of your cheque. Please note your name and/or envelope number so you can receive credit for your donation. Thanks in advance for your generosity. Scripture Insights – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2023: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2022, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 242. “The Lord is good: his kindness endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” (Ps 100:5). These words, from this Sunday’s responsorial psalm, functioned as a mini-creed in Jesus’ day. Variations on this phrase appear more than a dozen times in the Old Testament. These words acknowledged that, although disasters (some self-inflicted) had happened to Israel, the nation had always recovered whenever it recommitted to faith in God. The primary example of this was the exodus from Egypt, the setting of this Sunday’s first reading. In earlier days, the Israelites had taken refuge in Egypt. Over time, the Egyptians had reduced Israel to slavery. God did not forget the promise made to Israel’s ancestors to provide their descendants freedom and security. God exceeded that promise, in fact, by not only winning Israel’s freedom but in making of Israel a “priestly people,” God’s own friend and representative to the world. In Jesus’ day, another disaster had struck Israel. The Romans had conquered Israel. Roman government and economic policies led to an increase in poverty and its problems: illness, malnutrition, crime, fear, and untimely death. It was among those so afflicted that Jesus found his special possession. Just as God dreamed of Israel teaching holiness to the world, so Jesus sent out his closest associates to establish a kingdom that would share the good news with the world. They cured the sick, fed the poor, forgave sinners, drove out demons, and raised the dead. Writing some decades later, Paul could take a step back to see a larger picture. God desired humanity to share divine life, but so many were unable to receive the gift or rejected it outright. The sacrifice of the cross confirmed Christ’s preaching and changed human nature by revealing the resurrection and sharing the Holy Spirit. Christ’s work overcame the fear and confusion that had led so many astray. In this way, Christ fulfilled God’s dream of making all humanity a special possession and divine friend. Offer gratitude to God for the times when you have experienced Jesus’ compassion because you were troubled, abandoned, and needed guidance. Pause this week when you feel in need of compassion, and offer a prayer asking for Jesus’ direction. Recognizing how Jesus summons us to offer compassion involves us opening ourselves to the world around us, paying particular attention to the people whose paths we cross and those whom we feel God is calling us to put ourselves in a place to encounter. We will know where God calls us to act compassionately as we become fully present every moment of every day. The universal call to holiness extends to all who labor for the kingdom. Acts of healing, bringing life, and cleansing are acts all disciples perform daily. They are acts of compassion. They are actions through which we as disciples grow in holiness and deepen our relationship with God. For when we encounter others and respect the fullness of their humanity, we encounter God. DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Pope Francis - Pope Francis had surgery last week and continues to recover well. Doctors released him from hospital on Friday. He is well although rather tired as a result of his surgery. Many of his upcoming commitments have been cancelled to afford him the opportunity to recover. Let us continue to pray for the health of our Holy Father. VOCATION WALK 2023 – The Diocese of Prince Albert invites you to join in a Vocation Walk from Duck Lake to the St. Laurent Shrine. The walk will take place July 15 from 1:30 to 5:30 followed by Supper at 6:00, Confessions at 7:00 pm and Mass at 8:00 pm. There will be a Torchlight Procession at 9:30 pm. The Diocese of Prince Albert Vocations Commission is having a student coloring/poster contest. The purpose of this contest is to invite students to create art that promotes vocations to religious life. The invitation to participate is open to students from grade 1 to grade 12. There are four categories: Gr.1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr.7-9, Gr.10-12. The regulations and entry form can be found at the following link: https://www.padiocese.ca/vocations-commission World Youth Day – Let us continue to pray for all who will gather in Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day. Information video for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon: https://youtu.be/JQZ_VAPZ2ow Please see our website for more information at https://www.padiocese.ca/world-youth-day-2023 Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 Praise the Lord, Jerusalem. Psalm 147 Refrain June 11, 2023 - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., June 12 – No mass Tues., June 13 – 10:00 am Liturgy with Communion at the Lodge Tues., June 13 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Lachance Family by Florence Bell Wed., June 14 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - In Gratitude by Swapna & Bijo Thurs., June 15 – 9:00 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +McCallum Family by Florence Bell Fri., June 16 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +PJ Augustine by Swapna & Bijo Sat., June 17 – 5:00 pm (St. Jude’s Green Lake) - People of God Sun., June 18 – 10:00 am – (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sunday Collection – June 4: Meadow Lake $2047.85 Green Lake – $317.00 May CAFT $2310.00 Children’s Collection $11.40 Scholarship $1108.20 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for June – For the abolition of torture – We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) – As Christians, we are called to share in Christ’s life and sacrifice. On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, traditionally known as Corpus Christi, we delve into Christ’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others. God becoming human in Christ was the beginning of a life devoted to others. World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests – Catholics worldwide are urged to pray for Priests June 16th on the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests. The day was begun by Saint John Paul II in 2002 with the objective of having all Catholic faithful join in prayer for the sanctification of Priests. The World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests coincides with the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please pray for Father Tai Le and his family on the death of Father Tai’s maternal grandmother, Anne Nguyen Thi Phuong in Vietnam. May Anne’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Congratulations to Manuel and Bernadette Franco on their celebration of the sacrament of matrimony, which took place on June 8 at Our Lady of Peace Parish. May God richly bless their life together. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the scholarship collection. $1108.20 was collected and the Pastoral Council will oversee the distribution of these funds. Tuesday, June 13 – As I have mentioned the people of Waterhen are looking at building a facility for the Catholic community. We have talked about, and we have shared our hopes and expectations for our new building over the course of the past year. We now have a sketch of what we would like. Bishop Stephen will join us on Tuesday, and we will talk about our plans and how we might work together to realize the construction of our Church. Please pray for us as we move forward following the loss of our Church a year ago. Following our meeting we will have lunch together and Bishop will return to Prince Albert. NEEDING A JANITOR OR JANITORS – The Finance Council is looking for one or two people who are willing to clean the Parish Hall after our functions. If you or someone you know is interested in providing on demand cleaning, please call the Parish Office as soon as possible. We cannot rent the Parish Hall without having someone to clean it. Thanks for your help in this matter. Scripture Insights – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2023: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2022, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 234. In the first reading, Moses reminds the people of the ways that God tested them to be sure that their intention was to keep God’s commandments and also cared for them as they wandered through the wilderness. The manna and the water from the rock were small examples of God’s kindness toward his creation. But Moses wants the people to know that their real nourishment comes from God’s Word. The second reading is the conclusion of a long argument that also recalls the Exodus story of the gift of manna in the wilderness. Paul used the story to highlight the enormousness of the gift that Christians receive in the Eucharist. It is so distinctively different from the social rituals of their pagan neighbors that Christians are forbidden to do both. Why? The answer is today’s reading: Eucharist is an authentic participation in the body of Christ. (Anything else is idolatry.) Today’s Gospel is also about participation in the Eucharist. The evangelist presents the audience as quarreling – like the Israelites did in the wilderness – about Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh, because they thought he was advocating cannibalism. His response is even more shocking. “Those who eat my flesh [Greek trogo, eat, also carries the sense of ‘gnaw on’] and drink my blood have eternal life” (Jn 6:54). In other words, the fullness of life belongs to those who fully and actively experience Christ in the body and Blood.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Pope Francis - Pope Francis had surgery this week and remains in hospital. Doctors say that the Holy Father is doing well. Let us pray for the health of our Holy Father. VOCATION WALK 2023 Please see the Vocations page for information! The Diocese of Prince Albert Vocations Commission is having a student coloring/poster contest. The purpose of this contest is to invite students to create art that promotes vocations to religious life. The invitation to participate is open to students from grade 1 to grade 12. There are four categories: Gr.1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr.7-9, Gr.10-12. The regulations and entry form can be found at the following link: https://www.padiocese.ca/vocations-commission WORLD YOUTH DAY 2023 Information video for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon: https://youtu.be/JQZ_VAPZ2ow Please see our website for more information at https://www.padiocese.ca/world-youth-day-2023 OUR LADY OF LOURDES SHRINE 144th ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE 2023 St. Laurent, SK. (north east of Duck Lake) July 15th & 16th, August 15th, September 8th, 2023 Mary, Queen of Peace For detailed information please go to https://www.padiocese.ca/st-laurent-shrine 6/2/2023 0 Comments June 4th - Trinity SundayOur Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 Glory and praise for ever! - Daniel 3 Refrain June 4, 2023 - Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., June 5 – No mass Tues., June 6 – 10:00 am Liturgy with Communion at the Lodge Tues., June 6 – No mass Wed., June 7 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +McCallum Family by Florence Bell Thurs., June 8 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +McCallum Family by Florence Bell Fri., June 9 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Lachance Family by Florence Bell Sat., June 10 – 5:00 pm (St. Jude’s Green Lake) - People of God Sun., June 11 – 10:00 am – (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Sun., June 11 – 3:00 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sunday Collection – May 28: Meadow Lake $1392.30 Green Lake – No mass Children’s Collection $18.30 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for June – For the abolition of torture – We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families. About Today’s Solemnity – The essential component of being in relationship with our Trinitarian God is to allow that relationship to impact all that we say and do. To be disciples of the Lord is to live according to Jesus’ values and lifestyle and to model for others what relationship with God entails. Our mission is to do for others what Jesus has done for us, in both his words and his deeds, most especially in his loving outreach to all. Blessed are we for having been chosen to be apostolic witnesses to all. Taken from Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays page 228 THANK-YOU I want to personally thank the people from Waterhen Lake, Green Lake and Meadow Lake for your kindness and generosity. I wanted to give thanks to God for the call he gave to me over 40 years ago, the call to be a priest and to be a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate. On Sunday, May 28th you touched my heart again! I am so grateful for all of you, your words, your gifts, your kindness, and your presence. I am grateful also for all that you do for the Church and for your respective communities. We each live out God’s call to love one another and to forgive one another in different places. As I read through the cards that you gave to me and as I looked at your gifts and as I remembered your many words and the music you shared with me, tears of gratitude flowed. I am blessed by your goodness. Through you God is continuing to call me to serve the People of God. Thank you and may the God of peace be your constant companion, now and always! Flowers and Flower Beds – A special word of thanks to Chris for tilling our newest flower beds, to Rhys and Pat for putting in new borders on our two flower beds and to Marie and Melba for planting and transplanting. This work helps to make our Church Building look a little more welcoming. Thank you! Rosary at the Grotto – During the month of May several folks gathered at the Grotto each night at 6:00 pm to pray the rosary. Our prayer intention was the well-being of those who are sick and suffering in any way in our Meadow Lake Cluster. A word of thanks to all who gathered with us and prayed. A special word of thanks to Bernice who led us every day without fail. May God bless you all for your care of your brothers and sisters. NEEDING A JANITOR OR JANITORS – The Finance Council is looking for one or two people who are willing to clean the Parish Hall after our functions. If you or someone you know is interested in providing on demand cleaning, please call the Parish Office as soon as possible. We cannot rent the Parish Hall without having someone to clean it. Thanks for your help in this matter. Our Lady of Peace Scholarship Our Pastoral Council is promoting the idea of a Scholarship for students who graduate from Carpenter High School and pursue post secondary studies in the Fall of 2023. This week, June 4, we will take up a collection at the end of mass. The money collected will be set aside for the Our Lady of Peace Scholarship. If you prefer you can drop off a donation at the Parish Office during regular Parish Office hours. Please put your donation in an envelope – include your name and your Envelope Box number and your donation will be credited to you. If you offer a cheque, please make the cheque payable to Our Lady of Peace Parish and on the memo line indicate that it is for the Our Lady of Peace Scholarship. Ordinary Time – In his Apostolic Letter approving the Roman Calendar (14 February 1969), St. Paul VI noted some important facts about the Liturgical Year: 1. Over many centuries, Catholics had become accustomed to so many special religious devotions that the mysteries of redemption lost their proper place. This was due to the large number of vigils, holydays and octaves, and to the growing dominance of various seasons over the Church year; 2. St. Pius X and St. John XXIII restored Sunday to its former dignity, so that everyone should once more consider it as the Church’s original Feast Day; 3. The Popes restated the traditional teaching of the Church: The celebration of the Liturgical Year has a special sacramental power and force which nourishes and strengthens the life of Christians. The Church Year is not merely a recalling of the historical events by which Christ won our salvation; 4. The reason for the restoration of the Liturgical Year is to help believers through their faith, hope and love to share more fully in the entire mystery of Christ as it is unfolding throughout the year. Taken from Ordo: Liturgical Calendar 2022 – 2023 page 255 Scripture Insights – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2023: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2022, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 228. The first reading, from Exodus, comes just after the sad story about the Israelites making a golden calf and offering sacrifices to it (Ex 32). Although God pronounces judgement against the people, he comes down to meet Moses on the mountain; God reveals his true nature by reinstating the covenant with Israel. Why? Because God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, faithful, and kind. The second reading is the closing greeting of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. In it, he suggests that God extends grace through the Father, love through the Son, and fellowship through the Spirit, so that humanity can live in love and fellowship with one another. Later theologians would see this as an example of the activities of the “economic Trinity.” The term comes from the Greek word oikonomikos, which means “pertaining to the management of a household,” in this case, the household of God. Likewise, the Gospel highlights God’s activity in salvation history. God the Father is described as giving the greatest gift of love to the world – his only son – and the Son is described as doing the work of the Father. The Spirit is not mentioned here, but later in John’s Gospel account we learn that the Spirit is the Advocate sent to be with the believers after Jesus’ return to the Father.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Catholics and Our Use of Social Media "Towards Full Presence. A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media" (#FullyPresent) is the title of the document published by the Dicastery for Communication on Monday 29 May. The aim of the document is to promote a common reflection on the involvement of Christians in social media, which have increasingly become part of people's lives. Inspired by the parable of the Good Samaritan, the document offers an opportunity to begin a shared reflection on how to promote a culture of being "loving neighbours" also in the digital world. Looking at the theme within the context of the world of social media, where individuals are often both consumers and commodities, the pastoral reflection seeks a faith-based response. And this response begins with discerning the stimuli we receive and with intentional listening. Attention, together with a sense of belonging, reciprocity and solidarity, are key for creating a sense of unity that should ultimately strengthen local communities, enabling them to become drivers of change. By becoming "weavers of communion" through the creativity of love, we can imagine new models built on trust, transparency, equality, and inclusion, learning to be present in God's style and bearing witness. Beware of pitfalls on the "digital highways" The digital revolution has certainly created opportunities, but it also presents many challenges. The document identifies several pitfalls to avoid as we travel the "digital highways." From treatment of individual users as only consumers and commodities, to the creation of "individualistic spaces" that target like-minded people or encourage extreme behaviour, the journey through the online environment is one where many have been marginalised and wounded. For Christians, this raises the question: how can we make the digital ecosystem a place of sharing, collaboration and belonging, based on mutual trust? From awareness to real encounter Becoming a "neighbour" in the social media environment begins with a disposition to listen with the awareness that those whom we meet online are real people. Even in an environment characterised by "information overload," this openness to intentional listening and of the heart allows us to move from mere perception of the other to an authentic encounter. We can begin to recognise our digital neighbour, realising that their suffering affects us. Our goal then is to build not only "connections," but encounters that become real relationships and strengthen local communities. From encounter to community In our journey along the "digital highways," we can meet others either with a spirit of indifferent bystanders or with a spirit of encouragement and friendship. In the latter case, we - who are sometimes the good Samaritan and sometimes the wounded - can begin to help heal the wounds created by a toxic digital environment. Here we need to rebuild digital spaces so that they become more human and healthier environments. At the same time, we can help make these environments more capable of fostering real communities, based on a person-to-person encounter that is indispensable for those who believe in the Word made flesh. A distinctive style Christians bring to social media a distinctive "style," one of sharing that has its origin in Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us with his words, actions, soul and body. He taught us that truth is revealed in communion and that communication also springs from communion, that is, from love. The presence of Christians in digital media should reflect this style that communicates truthful information in a creative way, one that springs from friendship and builds community. This style often makes use of stories. It will bring to bear its influence online in a responsible way, as Christians become "weavers of communion." It will be reflective, not reactive, and it will be active in fostering activities and initiatives that promote human dignity. It will also be helping us to open our hearts and welcome our brothers and sisters. Witness in the digital world The presence of Christians in social media will also bear the mark of witness. Christians are not there to sell a product or proselytize, but rather to bear witness. They are there to confirm with their words and their lives what God has done by creating a communion that unites us in Christ. Whether Christians may find themselves the wounded or the Good Samaritan, or both, their engagement on social media platforms can be encounters with neighbours, brothers and sisters, whose lives concerns them and, therefore, encounters with the Lord. In this way, communication offers a glimpse of the communion that is rooted in the Holy Trinity, our true "promised land." Taken from: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2023-05/good-samaritan-inspiration-those-inhabiting-social-media.html VOCATION WALK 2023 The Diocese of Prince Albert Vocation Commission invites you to a pilgrimage walk from Duck Lake to St. Laurent Shrine. July 15, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm; Supper at 6:00 pm; Confessions at 7:00 pm; Mass at 8:00 pm; Torch Light procession at 9:30 pm. The Diocese of Prince Albert Vocations Commission is having a student coloring/poster contest. The purpose of this contest is to invite students to create art that promotes vocations to religious life. The invitation to participate is open to students from grade 1 to grade 12. There are four categories: Gr.1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr.7-9, Gr.10-12. The regulations and entry form can be found at the following link: https://www.padiocese.ca/vocations-commission |
Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
January 2025
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