3/20/2021 0 Comments 5th Sunday of LentOur Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and
St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and put a new and right spirit within me” Psalm 51 March 21, 2021 - 5th Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (20 small groups) and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. Celebrating St. Joseph: This week we continued our Novena for St. Joseph. Our Novena has been an opportunity to remember, honour and praise St. Joseph and, in addition, it has been an opportunity to ask St. Joseph to intercede for the People of the Meadow Lake Cluster. On March 19th, we live-streamed the Litany for St. Joseph at 11:30 am, we prayed the Novena at 6:00 pm and at 6:30 pm we welcomed people to the Church for the celebration of mass in honor of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary. Wherever you are, let us continue to give thanks and praise for the faithful life and love of St. Joseph. Masses Intentions Mon., March 22 - Personal Intention Tues., March 23 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - + Lionel Lefort by Georgette Lefort Wed. March 24 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - + Lionel Lefort by Georgette Lefort Thurs., March 25 - 6:30 pm (Diocesan Facebook) - Feast of the Annunciation – Prince Albert Fri., March 26- 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - Floyd Laliberte by Ernest Laliberte and Family Sat., March 27 - 11:00 am (Diocesan Facebook) - Chrism Mass – Prince Albert Sat. March 27 - 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall) - +Jerry Lavallee by Paul and Theresa Tourand Sun. March 28 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 28- 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 28 – 3:00 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sask Health/Diocese of Prince Albert Regulations – We have been informed by the Diocese that the Province of Saskatchewan is suggesting that we can increase the number of people who physically take part in the Sunday liturgy (March 19). The Far North West Region of the province to which we belong is experiencing a downward trend in terms of Active Cases of Covid-19. We will be increasing the number of people who can take part in the liturgy here at Our Lady of Peace. The notices from SaskHealth and our own Diocese of Prince Albert remind us that other than an increase in the number of people who can attend church services, all other guidelines remain in place. Masks, sanitizing, social distancing, and registration for liturgies must still occur to safeguard our parishioners. We anticipate that we can handle 20 small family groups at our 10:00 am Sunday Liturgy. Please note that until we hear from the Bishop, a virtual liturgy continues to fulfill our Sunday obligation. Regarding the Reception of the Covid-19 Vaccine - It has been reported in the news that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement suggesting that we should choose certain vaccines over others. The news report may cause confusion. In response to the confusion, the Bishops wrote a follow up statement to offer clarification to people. Here is a portion of that statement taken from the Bishops’ website https://www.cccb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CLARIFICATION-CCCB-Statement-on-COVID-19-Vaccine-Choice-9-March-2021-EN.pdf “On 9 March 2021, the Canadian of Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) published a short “Note on Ethical Concerns Related to Currently Approved COVID-19 Vaccines.” This Note was published in response to questions from Catholics who were concerned about the moral permissibility of receiving currently-approved COVID-19 vaccines. The Note did not refer to, nor intend to question the medical efficacy of any vaccine. In response to questions received since the publication of the Note, the CCCB wishes to clarify any misunderstandings that may have arisen. 1. Catholics are invited to be vaccinated, both in keeping with the dictates of their conscience and in contributing to the common good by promoting the health and safety of others. 2. The CCCB Note of 9 March 2021 simply restates the position outlined by the Holy See in its Note of December 21, 2020 regarding the use of vaccines. 3. All COVID-19 vaccines that are medically approved by the relevant health authorities may be licitly received by Catholics. 4. Since there is currently no choice of vaccine being offered, Catholics in good conscience may receive the vaccine that is available and offered to them.” A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen Development and Peace – The Canadian Conference of Bishops and the leadership of Development and Peace have issued a statement regarding the concerns that had been expressed re: monies being given to organizations that are in opposition to Catholic Social Teaching. All points of concern have been resolved and Catholics are invited to support Development and Peace. Our own Bishop, Albert Thevenot has released a letter urging us to support the work of Development and Peace. Please see the websites of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops https://www.cccb.ca/media-release/canadian-conference-of-catholic-bishops-and-the-canadian-catholic-organization-for-development-and-peace-caritas-canada-conclude-joint-review-of-ccodps-international-partner-organiz/ and/or Development and Peace https://www.devp.org/en/articles/canadian-conference-catholic-bishops-issues-letter-backing-share-lent-campaign for further information. Live 5th Sunday Mass: https://vimeo.com/saltandlight Visit this page at 1:00 pm EST on Sunday, March 21 to view the national Fifth Sunday Mass celebrated by +Guy Desrochers, Bishop of Pembroke, and broadcast live on Salt + Light television. The Mass will begin at 1:30 pm and will be preceded by a 30-minute special program on Development and Peace. Contributions: You can contribute to Development and Peace (D & P) by using your donation envelopes (Solidarity Sunday, March 21), by donating online at devp.org/sharelent, by mailing a cheque to 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T7 or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Thank you for participating in Share Lent 2021. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF CANADA – Thank you to all who participated in our 2021 Virtual St. Pat’s Day Tea & Quilt Display. Our Lady of Peace has been hosting the event for 91 years since Mrs. Evans hosted the event in her hotel dining room. The Catholic Women’s League ladies took over coordination of the event in 1958 or 1959 and have continued the event over the last 60+ years. Thank you to the quilters who submitted 38 quilts for this event and to those who supported the event. We even had one submission from Ontario. Special thanks to Jacqueline Thibeault for her technical support for the event, the light-hearted Irish blessings, the YouTube Irish-themed music and for the trivia and questions about St. Patrick’s Day. What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: Jesus said, “This is my body” and “This is my blood” to the apostles (c) at the Last Supper. This is when Jesus instituted the Eucharist. On Holy Thursday we celebrate this in a special way at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This week’s question: When Pontius Pilate asked the people what he should do with Jesus, they shouted (a) “Let him go!” (b) “Send him to Rome!” (c) “Crucify him!” (d) “Let him be a soldier!” LENT 2021 RESOURCES A bible study of the Gospel readings for each of the six-Sundays of Lent has been created using the The Catholic Serendipity Bible for Personal and Study Groups, Lyman Coleman. The six-week bible study can be found here.Daily Emails - I am with You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis from Loyola Press - Led by the Spirit Lenten Reflections with Dr. Tim Gray from Formed - It's Not What You Give Up This Lent: It's Who You Become from Dynamic Catholic Multiple offerings from Prayer and Retreats to Art to Reflections on Specific Holy Days from Loyola Press For Young Adults: Lent in Three Minutes from Busted Halo Our Journey Through Lent from Franciscan Media 25 Great Things You Can Do for Lent: Besides Giving Up Chocolate from Busted Halo Preparing for Lent and What's the Purpose of Lent from Fr. Mike Schmitz Lenten Calendar - Lent-themed Daily Jolt and Microchallenge! from Busted Halo Family Faith Formation for the Home: A video series to support families in telling the Easter story to their children. Posted on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. Each video is between 15-30 minutes and contains a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box, a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. By the end, families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days: His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey , the last supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ torture and crucifixion and the resurrection on Easter morning. Here is the video schedule remaining: Mondays March 22 & 29; Good Friday - Apr 2; Holy Saturday - Apr 3; Easter Sunday - Apr 4. Other resources for families - Lenten Activities from Loyola Press: 40 Ideas for 40 Days, Catechetical Activities for Lent, Lent at Home, Lenten Activities for Children, Lenten Family Calendar, Lent Frequently Asked Questions: With Joe Paprocki; CatChat Productions - Treasures of Faith Journey Feast of the Annunciation - Thursday March 25, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert. Chrism Mass - Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert. To register for the above church services in Prince Albert, please call Laura Dorosh at the Diocesan office 1-306-922-4747 Ext. 222. Registration is on a first call in - first serve basis. Note: Each of these celebrations will be live streamed on the day as well.
Our Lady of Peace Parish - Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and
St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Let my tongue cling to my mouth if I do not remember you!” Psalm 137 March 14, 2021 - 4th Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (30 people) and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. Celebrating St. Joseph: This week we continue our Novena for St. Joseph. Tune into our Facebook page every day at 6:00 pm to join Fr. Doug in praying the Novena which will remember, honor and praise St. Joseph. We will also ask St. Joseph to intercede for the People of the Meadow Lake Cluster. On March 19th, at 11:30 am we will live-stream on Facebook the Litany for St. Joseph. At 6:30 pm on March 19th, we will celebrate mass in honor of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary. If you would like to come and join us in the Church, we welcome you to do so. Our mass will also be live-streamed. Wherever you are, let us give thanks and praise for the faithful life and love of St. Joseph. Mass Intentions Mon., March 15 - Personal Intention Tues., March 16 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Linda Lepage by Carmelita Cameron Wed. March 17 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - +Robert Gervais by Paul and Theresa Tourand Thurs., March 18 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Private Intention by a parishioner Fri., March 19 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - Private Intention by a parishioner Sat., March 20 - 9:00 am (Facebook) - Anonymous Intention Sat. March 20 - 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 21 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 21- 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. Novena to St. Joseph – Live-streamed each night at 6:00 pm on Facebook 2. “Songs at Seven” - (Facebook - Catholic Church Meadow Lake) takes place Thursdays - 7 pm. 3. Catholic Women’s League Virtual St. Pat’s Day Tea & Quilt Display: The members of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Women’s League are hosting The Virtual St. Pat’s Day Tea and Quilt Display Event. Look for it on Facebook on March 17, 2021 starting at 2 p.m. If you would like to submit a photo of a quilt that you made, please send the photo by email by March 13, 2021 to [email protected] including the name of the quilt (if there is one) and your name. Feel free to encourage your quilter friends to submit photos as well. 4. People are invited to physically attend the mass in honor of St. Joseph on March 19, 6:30 pm. 5. 40 Cans for Lent: The Knights of Columbus are once again inviting us to think about our neighbour. Our ‘40 Cans for Lent’ project began Ash Wednesday. Each household is asked to contribute one can for each day of Lent – hence 40 cans for Lent. The contributions from our households will be taken to the Door of Hope at Easter. Please bring cans of fruit, vegetables, soups, beans, chili, fish, or stew or anything else that is non-perishable. Let us be mindful of what we have and let us be mindful of the needs of our brothers and sisters. Let us make this the most generous “40 Cans for Lent” project ever! Sask Health/Diocese of Prince Albert Regulations – We have been informed by the Diocese that the Province of Saskatchewan is suggesting that we can increase the number of people who physically take part in the Sunday liturgy (March 19). The notices from Sask Health and our own Diocese of Prince Albert remind us that other than an increase in number, all other guidelines remain in place. Masks, sanitizing, social distance, and registration for liturgies must still occur to safeguard our parishioners. However, until further notice all aspects of our liturgy will remain the same – practices and numbers, until I make a parish announcement indicating an increase in numbers. Our case count in Meadow Lake is the highest in the Province. I will be monitoring the case per capita ratio here in Meadow Lake. When our case count goes down (approaches the Provincial average), I will make the announcement that more people may gather, thus ensuring the safety of all. Regarding the Reception of the Covid-19 Vaccine - On Friday, March 5, the clergy of Saskatchewan participated in a Zoom Conference organized by the Diocese of Saskatoon entitled “Covid-19 and Catholic Church Teaching”. We had two guest speakers, Dr. Moira McQueen and Dr. Brett Salkeld: Dr. Moira McQueen (Executive Director of Canadian Bioethics Institute). Dr McQueen was appointed Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute in July 2004. The Institute, chaired by Cardinal Collins, has a mandate to conduct research and education in bioethics from a Roman Catholic perspective, and pursues bioethical issues in palliative and end of life care, reproductive technologies, stem cell experimentation and regenerative medicine, genetics, transgender issues, and other current areas. Dr. Brett Salkeld is a theologian for the Archdiocese of Regina, a published author, speaker, and father of six children. Our speakers shared information taken from and rooted in the Church Documents from the Pontifical Academy of Life 2005, 2017, Dignitaes Personae 2008, Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of Alberta and the Northwest Territories (December 2, 2020) and from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (December 21, 2020). We explored in significant depth the issue of all vaccines and whether we should take them. The speakers reminded us of the Principles found in the teaching of the Church and then applied them to taking or not taking the Covid-19 vaccines. After reviewing all the information from the teaching of the Church, we were told that: 1. Use ethical vaccines if they are available. 2. If ethical vaccines are not available, then we should use other vaccines to prevent contracting or spreading severe illness or disease (Covid-19 is considered a severe illness) 3. Questions raised by some re: cooperation with evil (abortion) are valid; however, remoteness from original act is sufficient to justify our use of the vaccines being offered to us in Canada. 4. We have a moral obligation to help keep our sisters and brothers safe. If we cannot take the vaccine for some reason, then it is required that we self isolate for the common good. 5. We should make known any concerns or objections regarding the production and the testing of vaccines to government authorities and/or to the various pharmaceutical agencies. (Do not protest to nurses/pharmacists who are offering the vaccines.) The bottom line is that as Catholics if we can take the vaccine (consult your doctor), we should take the vaccine we are offered, when it is our turn. It has been reported in the news that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement suggesting that we should choose certain vaccines over others. The news report may cause confusion. In response to the confusion the Bishops wrote a follow up statement to offer clarification to people. Here is a portion of that statement taken from the Bishops’ website https://www.cccb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CLARIFICATION-CCCB-Statement-on-COVID-19-Vaccine-Choice-9-March-2021-EN.pdf “On 9 March 2021, the Canadian of Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) published a short “Note on Ethical Concerns Related to Currently Approved COVID-19 Vaccines.” This Note was published in response to questions from Catholics who were concerned about the moral permissibility of receiving currently-approved COVID-19 vaccines. The Note did not refer to, nor intend to question the medical efficacy of any vaccine. In response to questions received since the publication of the Note, the CCCB wishes to clarify any misunderstandings that may have arisen. 1. Catholics are invited to be vaccinated, both in keeping with the dictates of their conscience and in contributing to the common good by promoting the health and safety of others. 2. The CCCB Note of 9 March 2021 simply restates the position outlined by the Holy See in its Note of December 21, 2020 regarding the use of vaccines. 3. All COVID-19 vaccines that are medically approved by the relevant health authorities may be licitly received by Catholics. 4. Since there is currently no choice of vaccine being offered, Catholics in good conscience may receive the vaccine that is available and offered to them.” First Reconciliation – If your child is ready to begin preparation for the celebration of this sacrament, please contact me (Fr. Doug) at the Parish Office (306) 236 5122. Audio and Video Equipment in our Church Building – As some of you have noticed our new audio and video equipment has been installed. We have been making use of the audio equipment and we have been adjusting and learning how to use it. Marty Bishop has been essential in this task. He has been and will continue to attend to this work as we move forward. Marty is now working on learning, testing and adjusting the video equipment for our live streaming of our liturgies and other rituals. We will keep you informed of our progress. As always with new equipment there is a learning curve. Please be patient as old dogs learn new tricks! 😊 A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen Development and Peace – the Canadian Conference of Bishops and the leadership of Development and Peace have issued a statement regarding the concerns that had been expressed re: monies being given to organizations that are in opposition to Catholic Social Teaching. All points of concern have been resolved and Catholics are invited to support Development and Peace. Our own Bishop, Albert Thevenot has released a letter urging us to support the work of Development and Peace. Please see the websites of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops https://www.cccb.ca/media-release/canadian-conference-of-catholic-bishops-and-the-canadian-catholic-organization-for-development-and-peace-caritas-canada-conclude-joint-review-of-ccodps-international-partner-organiz/ and/or Development and Peace https://www.devp.org/en/articles/canadian-conference-catholic-bishops-issues-letter-backing-share-lent-campaign for further information. This Lent, let’s share love! https://www.devp.org/en/campaign/sharelove Our Share Lent campaign, inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, will invite you to discover a different facet of Development and Peace each week. Together, let’s bring a message of solidarity and fraternity to our sisters and brothers in the Global South. You can contribute to Development and Peace (D & P) by using your donation envelopes (Solidarity Sunday, March 21), by donating online at devp.org/sharelent, by mailing a cheque to 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T7 or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Thank you for participating in Share Lent 2021. 3/14/2021 0 Comments 3rd Sunday of Lent - March 7, 2021 Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Lord, you have the words of eternal life.” Psalm 19 March 7, 2021 3rd Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (30 people) and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. Income Tax receipts were mailed out for those who had not picked them up from the Parish Office. Donation Envelopes and Missals are still available at the Parish Office during Parish Office hours. SaskHealth/Diocesan Covid-19 Guidelines – A notice from the City of Meadow Lake once again reminds us that we have a rather high infection rate that continues to go up. Let us please respect the SaskHealth Guidelines by putting our sisters and brothers first. Mask. Sanitize. Social Distance. Get your vaccine. Masses Intentions Mon., March 8 Personal Intention Tues., March 9 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) +Robert Gizen by Judi Lang and Doris Young Wed. March 10 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) + Dave Lavallee by Paul and Theresa Tourand Thurs., March 11 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) + The Frey Family by Geoff Frey Fri., March 12- 6:30 pm (Facebook) +Phil Boyer by Paul and Theresa Tourand Sat., March 13 - 9:00 am (Facebook) +August Lavallee by Paul and Theresa Tourand Sat. March 13 - 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall) People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 14 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 14 - 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 14 – Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake – 3:00 pm People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. “Songs at Seven” (Facebook - Catholic Church Meadow Lake) takes place Thursdays - 7 pm. 2. 40 Cans for Lent: The Knights of Columbus are once again inviting us to think about our neighbour. Our ‘40 Cans for Lent’ project began Ash Wednesday. Each household is asked to contribute one can for each day of Lent – hence 40 cans for Lent. The contributions from our households will be taken to the Door of Hope at Easter. Please bring cans of fruit, vegetables, soups, beans, chili, fish, or stew or anything else that is non-perishable. Let us be mindful of what we have and let us be mindful of the needs of our brothers and sisters. Let us make this the most generous “40 Cans for Lent” project ever! Celebrating St. Joseph: Beginning on March 11, Fr. DougI will pray a novena to St. Joseph for the well-being of the people of the Meadow Lake Cluster. He will pray the Prayer for the year of St. Joseph, an “Our Father”, a “Hail Mary” and a “Glory to the Father” every day at 6:00 pm. Wherever he is, hI will live-stream this prayer on Facebook and you are invited to join him if you so desire. In addition to our mass in honor of St. Joseph on March 19th, which will be celebrated at 6:30 pm, we will also have a special prayer in honor of St. Joseph on March 19th at 11:30 am. This will be live streamed from the Church and will help us to give thanks and praise to St. Joseph for his faith and his generosity and for the role he played in the Story of Salvation. World Day of Prayer 2021 – “Building on a Strong Foundation” is the theme of this year’s World day of Prayer. It has been prepared by the Christian women of the Republic of Vanuatu. Our prayer this year is being hosted by the Catholic Women’s League of Our Lady of Peace Parish and live streamed on our parish Facebook page at 4:00 pm on Friday, March 5. It will remain on the Facebook page and you can pray with us when you are able. A special word of thanks to the Ladies from the Catholic Women’s League for hosting the prayer, preparing the church and reminding us of our responsibility for our brothers and sisters; a responsibility given to us by our God and made real by the person of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. First Reconciliation – If your child is ready to begin preparation for the celebration of this sacrament, please contact me (Fr. Doug) at the Parish Office (306) 236 5122. Audio and Video Equipment in our Church Building – As some of you have noticed our new audio and video equipment has been installed. We have been making use of the audio equipment for the last week and we have been adjusting and learning how to use it. Marty Bishop has been essential in this task. He has been and will continue to attend to this work as we move forward. Work will now begin on learning, testing and adjusting the video equipment for our live streaming of our liturgies and other rituals. We will keep you informed of our progress. As always with new equipment there is a learning curve. Please be patient as old dogs learn new tricks! 😊 A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen SHARE LENT –Theme: Share Love, Share Lent. Contribute to Development and Peace (D & P) by using your donation envelopes (Solidarity Sunday, March 21), by donating online at devp.org/sharelent, by mailing a cheque to 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T7 or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Thank you for participating in Share Lent 2021. Share Lent, Week 3: Monday, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Around the globe, women play an integral and essential part in improving the living conditions of their families and communities. Yet, women remain marginalized and disproportionately affected by environmental degradation, conflict and poverty, and their vulnerability has been increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, you are invited to think about an inspirational woman leader and to pray that we “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” the fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals elaborated by the United Nations in 2015. What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: Lent is a time for an extra effort in (d) all of the following - (a) fasting (b) giving to the poor, and (c) prayer. Fasting, giving to the poor (also called ‘almsgiving’), and prayer are traditional practices all year long, but are especially stressed during Lent. If you give up something like candy or soft drinks for Lent, give the money you save to the poor. This week’s question: Jesus said, “This is my body” and “This is my blood” to the apostles (a) at the wedding feast in Cana (b) at Zacchaeus’ house (c) at the Last Supper (d) when he fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. Lent 2021 A bible study of the Gospel readings for each of the six-Sundays of Lent has been created using the The Catholic Serendipity Bible for Personal and Study Groups, Lyman Coleman. The six-week bible study can be found here. A Virtual Lenten Bible Study with Christine Taylor, members of the Evangelization & Catechesis Commission - Thursdays during Lent from Feb 18 - Mar 25 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. To register for these events click on the following link and scroll down to the appropriate registration prompt... @padiocese/evangelization-and-catechesis Daily Emails - I am with You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis from Loyola Press - Led by the Spirit Lenten Reflections with Dr. Tim Gray from Formed - It's Not What You Give Up This Lent: It's Who You Become from Dynamic Catholic Multiple offerings from Prayer and Retreats to Art to Reflections on Specific Holy Days from Loyola Press For Young Adults: Lent in Three Minutes from Busted Halo Our Journey Through Lent from Franciscan Media 25 Great Things You Can Do for Lent: Besides Giving Up Chocolate from Busted Halo Preparing for Lent and What's the Purpose of Lent from Fr. Mike Schmitz Lenten Calendar - Lent-themed Daily Jolt and Microchallenge! from Busted Halo Family Faith Formation for the Home: A video series to support families in telling the Easter story to their children. Posted on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. Each video is between 15-30 minutes and contains a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box, a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. By the end, families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days: His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey , the last supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ torture and crucifixion and the resurrection on Easter morning. Here is the video schedule: Mondays during Lent - Feb 22 and Mar 1, 8,15,22, and 29 Good Friday - Apr 2 Holy Saturday - Apr 3 Easter Sunday - Apr 4 Other resources for families - Lenten Activities from Loyola Press: 40 Ideas for 40 Days, Catechetical Activities for Lent, Lent at Home, Lenten Activities for Children, Lenten Family Calendar, Lent Frequently Asked Questions: With Joe Paprocki; CatChat Productions - Treasures of Faith Journey CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF CANADA - The information for the Saskatchewan Provincial Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada annual award to help young women engage In social justice work is available at https://www.padiocese.ca/catholic-women-s-league. QUEEN’S HOUSE RETREAT & RENEWAL CENTRE: Programming information for Church Bulletins - https://www.padiocese.ca/queen-s-house-retreat-renewal-centr TOGETHER IN REMEMBRANCE; TOGETHER IN HOPE - This online vigil will be taking place on Thursday March 11, 7:00 p.m. The event is free, but people must register in order to receive the link to the event. Participants are invited to have a candle with them. This vigil is being organized by a wide variety of people representing various ecumenical and inter-faith groups, and those not belonging to a faith community or spiritual tradition. It will be a time of prayer, reflection, music, and participants will be invited to use the “Chat” to name both their losses, and later on in the vigil, their hopes for the future. Please participate in this vigil and help us nurture one another during this pandemic. You are encouraged to invite others to join you. To register go to: www.covidvigil.ca. Our Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and
St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “From the bright cloud the Father’s voice is heard: This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him.” Luke 9.35 February 28, 2021 - 2nd Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (30 people) and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. Income Tax receipts were mailed out last week for those who had not picked them up from the Parish Office. Donation Envelopes and Missals are still available at the Parish Office during Parish Office hours. SaskHealth/Diocesan Covid-19 Guidelines – A notice from the City of Meadow Lake reminds us that we have an infection rate eight times that of the North West Region. Let us please respect the SaskHealth Guidelines by putting our sisters and brothers first. Mass Intentions Mon., March 1 - Personal Intention Tues., March 2 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Michael and Graeci by Marie and Ellice Mamchur Wed. March 3 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - +Jeff Smith by Eleanore and Galen Smith Thurs., March 4 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - +Lena Hughes by Judi Lang and Doris Young Fri., March 5- 6:30 pm (Facebook) - +Joe Palmer by Judi Lang and Doris Young Sat., March 6 - 9:00 am (Facebook) - Anonymous Sat. March 6 - 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 7 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. March 7 - 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. “Songs at Seven” (Facebook - Catholic Church Meadow Lake) takes place Thursdays - 7 pm. 2. 40 Cans for Lent: The Knights of Columbus are once again inviting us to think about our neighbour. Our ‘40 Cans for Lent’ project began Ash Wednesday. Each household is asked to contribute one can for each day of Lent – hence 40 cans for Lent. The contributions from our households will be taken to the Door of Hope at Easter. Please bring cans of fruit, vegetables, soups, beans, chili, fish, or stew or anything else that is non-perishable. Let us be mindful of what we have and let us be mindful of the needs of our brothers and sisters. Let us make this the most generous 40 Cans for Lent project ever! Finance Council Report: The Finance Council met on Thursday, February 4, at the Parish Hall. We made sure to wear masks and social distance. We reviewed some of the things that have been happening in the parish: the construction of the Grotto, the new shingles on the Parish Hall, the move of the Parish Office, the demolition of the Old Parish Office Building, the work on the Chapel Hall and the purchase of new Audio and Video equipment to assist us in our live streaming work. Feedback received so far seems to suggest that parishioners are pleased with what has been accomplished. There was a word of appreciation thanking Fr. Doug for the way he has kept the people of the parish informed of what has been happening. There are a few outstanding tasks – the Emergency Lighting for the interior of the Church has yet to be installed and the doors for the Parish Office have not yet come in. This work will be done as soon as possible. The construction of a porch on the east side of the Church will be cancelled for now. Landscaping where the Old Office Building stood will take place in the Spring. The extraordinary expenses re: demolition of the Office Building, the preparation of the new Parish Office Space, the purchase of the Audio and Video Equipment were covered by monies from our Building Fund. We reviewed our Financial Reports. Our income for 2020 was down by about $40,000.00 and our expenses (extraordinary things aside) were also down. Our total income was $104,740.61, and our total expenses were $206,954.76 for a net income of -102,214.15. The total of our Extraordinary Expenses was $102,959.35 (covered by our Building Fund). Our budget for 2021 projects an income of $88,700.00 and expenses of $103,700.00 for a net income of -15,000.00. As we reviewed our budget, we struggled with considering the SaskHealth Regulations and the impact on our attendance and the impact on our financial situation. Decisions were made to invest some of our Funds into long term GICs – some into 6-month and some into 12-month investments. The Finance Council encouraged Fr. Doug to send a letter to the parishioners giving greater detail re: our financial situation. Congratulations to Myra and Cody Briscoe and family as they brought their son Hudson to the parish for the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism. Celebrating St. Joseph: Beginning on February 26, and continuing throughout the year, on the last Friday of the month, at 11:30 am, we will livestream a prayer in honour of St. Joseph. Please join us on Facebook as we ask for help and give thanks and praise to St. Joseph for his faith and his generosity. First Reconciliation – If your child is ready to begin preparation for the celebration of this sacrament, please contact me (Fr. Doug) at the Parish Office (306) 236 5122. A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen SHARE LENT – Theme: Share Love, Share Lent. Contribute to Development and Peace (D & P) by using your donation envelopes (Solidarity Sunday, March 21), by donating online at devp.org/sharelent, by mailing a cheque to 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T7 or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Thank you for participating in Share Lent 2021. D & P wishes you health, love and fraternity in the New Year. Say a prayer this week: Campaign prayer, “A Prayer to the Creator,” excerpted from Pope Francis’s encyclical Fratelli Tutti. Its underlying message guides and inspires our activities this Lent. Take action this week: Help spread solidarity by creating a fundraising page on D & P’s digital platform. Act early, so you can keep reaching friends and family throughout the Share Lent period. Follow the following link to Create Your Fundraising Page https://www.devp.org/en/spreadingsolidarity What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: Not counting Sundays, Lent lasts (b) forty days. Officially the three days from Holy Thursday to Easter are called the Triduum, the holiest days of the year. It is especially important to go to church on these days. This week’s question: Lent is a time for an extra effort in (a) fasting (b) giving to the poor (c) prayer (d) all of these. Lent 2021 A Virtual Lenten Retreat with Deacon Mike Hardwicke The Great Story of Jesus in Nine Acts March 6, 2021 from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Cost per participant - $10 · A bible study of the Gospel readings for each of the six-Sundays of Lent has been created using the The Catholic Serendipity Bible for Personal and Study Groups, Lyman Coleman. The six-week bible study can be found here. · A Virtual Lenten Bible Study with Christine Taylor, members of the Evangelization & Catechesis Commission - Thursdays during Lent from Feb 18 - Mar25 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. To register for these events click on the following link and scroll down to the appropriate registration prompt... @padiocese/evangelization-and-catechesis Daily Emails - I am with You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis from Loyola Press - Led by the Spirit Lenten Reflections with Dr. Tim Gray from Formed - It's Not What You Give Up This Lent: It's Who You Become from Dynamic Catholic Multiple offerings from Prayer and Retreats to Art to Reflections on Specific Holy Days from Loyola Press For Young Adults: Lent in Three Minutes from Busted Halo Our Journey Through Lent from Franciscan Media 25 Great Things You Can Do for Lent: Besides Giving Up Chocolate from Busted Halo Preparing for Lent and What's the Purpose of Lent from Fr. Mike Schmitz Lenten Calendar - Lent-themed Daily Jolt and Microchallenge! from Busted Halo Family Faith Formation for the Home: A video series to support families in telling the Easter story to their children. Posted on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. Each video is between 15-30 minutes and contains a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box, a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. By the end, families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days: His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey , the last supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ torture and crucifixion and the resurrection on Easter morning. Here is the video schedule: Mondays during Lent - Feb 22 and Mar 1, 8,15,22, and 29 Good Friday - Apr 2 Holy Saturday - Apr 3 Easter Sunday - Apr 4 Other resources for families - Lenten Activities from Loyola Press: 40 Ideas for 40 Days, Catechetical Activities for Lent, Lent at Home, Lenten Activities for Children, Lenten Family Calendar, Lent Frequently Asked Questions: With Joe Paprocki; CatChat Productions - Treasures of Faith Journey Amazing Friendships Between Animals and Saints: Everyone knows about St. Francis and the wolf. But the Christian tradition is full of stories of how animals developed unique friendships with saints. Join author Greg Kennedy, SJ, and illustrator/resources author Kerry Lyn Wilson for a workshop on their latest collaboration, Amazing Friendships Between Animals and Saints. Learn how this book and its web-based resources, full of fun stories, beautiful artwork and rich in lessons on how to care for our common home, the Earth, can be used in the classroom, in study groups with children, or by parents and caregivers with the children in their care. Adults will also find this workshop (and book) engaging and enlightening. The webinar is free but registration is required. Details: DATE: MARCH 4, 2021 TIME: 4:00 – 5 P.M. (EST/EDT) https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t9bfGWywTGOsc7DewDCZgQ?mc_cid=7569ec5d16&mc_eid=511336735f 3/14/2021 0 Comments February 21, 2021 Our Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and
St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4.4 February 21, 2021 - 1st Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (30 people) and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. Income Tax receipts were mailed out this week for those who had not picked them up from the Parish Office. Donation Envelopes and Missals are still available at the Parish Office during Parish Office hours. SaskHealth/Diocesan Covid-19 Guidelines –Let us continue to keep one another safe by following the Provincial guidelines. Let us express our love for one another by putting our sisters and brothers first. Mass Intentions Mon., Feb. 22 - Personal Intention Tues., Feb. 23 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Chris, Kayla, Madelyn and Elizabeth Hamoline by Maurice and Mary Lou Hamoline Wed. Feb 24 - 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - Chris, Kayla, Madelyn and Elizabeth Hamoline by Maurice and Mary Lou Hamoline Thurs., Feb. 25 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Alice Abraham by Mary Ann Martell Fri., Feb. 26- 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Judil Fiddler by Mary Ann Martell Sat., Feb. 27 - 9:00 am (Facebook) - Anonymous Sat. Feb. 27- 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. Feb. 28 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. Feb. 28 - 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) - People of God in the Meadow Lake Cluster Sun. Feb 28 – 3:00 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake) THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH: 1. “Songs at Seven” (Facebook - Catholic Church Meadow Lake) takes place Thursdays - 7 pm. 2. 40 Cans for Lent: The Knights of Columbus are once again inviting us to think about our neighbour. Our ‘40 Cans for Lent’ project began Ash Wednesday. Each household is asked to contribute one can for each day of Lent – hence 40 cans for Lent. The contributions from our households will be taken to the Door of Hope at Easter. Please bring cans of fruit, vegetables, soups, beans, chili, fish, or stew or anything else that is non-perishable. Let us be mindful of what we have and let us be mindful of the needs of our brothers and sisters. Let us make this the most generous 40 Cans for Lent project ever! Celebrating St. Joseph: Beginning on February 26 and continuing throughout the year, on the last Friday of the month, at 11:30 am, we will live stream a prayer in honor of St. Joseph. Please join us on Facebook as we ask for help and give thanks and praise to St. Joseph for his faith and his generosity. First Reconciliation – If your child is ready to begin preparation for the celebration of this sacrament, please contact me (Fr. Doug) at the Parish Office (306) 236 5122. A Prayer as we Wait for a New Bishop Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen SHARE LENT – The Share Lent theme this year is Share Love, Share Lent. You can make a contribution to Development and Peace by using your donation envelopes (Solidarity Sunday, March 21), by donating online at devp.org/sharelent, by mailing a cheque to 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W., 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T7, or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Thank you for participating in Share Lent 2021. Development & Peace wishes you health, love and fraternity in the New Year. What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name…” The rest of this statement is (a)…I am there among them.” This statement is found in Matthew 18:20. It is used to encourage us to gather to pray. Praying in private is a good thing, of course, but we also need to pray with others. This week’s question: Lent lasts (a) thirty days (b) forty days (c) fifty days (d) sixty days. Lent 2021 On Thursday, February 4, Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ asked a question to all of us in attendance, "What are you hoping for during your Lenten journey?" Fr. Richard then preceded to break open different aspects of the Lenten journey. - about pilgrimage, how on this pilgrimage we are called to remember our dependence on God - about Lent as a season of joy, because through it we are drawn closer to God - about the disciplines of Lent, fasting, almsgiving and prayer, as means of decluttering our lives - about Lent as a time to stare down what is stopping our liberation in Christ - about Lent as a time of renewal, a time to develop different appetites. Below are some resource suggestions and ideas that have been gathered from a variety of places. Blessings as we enter the Lenten Journey. A Virtual Lenten Retreat with Deacon Mike Hardwicke The Great Story of Jesus in Nine Acts March 6, 2021 from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Cost $10 per participant - $10 A bible study of the Gospel readings for each of the six-Sundays of Lent has been created using the The Catholic Serendipity Bible for Personal and Study Groups, Lyman Coleman. The six-week bible study can be found here. A Virtual Lenten Bible Study with Christine Taylor, members of the Evangelization & Catechesis Commission - Thursdays during Lent from Feb 18 - Mar 25 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. To register for these events click on the following link and scroll down to the appropriate registration prompt... @padiocese/evangelization-and-catechesis Other Lenten Adult Faith Resources Daily Emails I am with You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis from Loyola Press Led by the Spirit Lenten Reflections with Dr. Tim Gray from Formed It's Not What You Give Up This Lent: It's Who You Become from Dynamic Catholic Other Offerings Multiple offerings from Prayer and Retreats to Art to Reflections on Specific Holy Days from Loyola Press For Young Adults Lent in Three Minutes from Busted Halo Our Journey Through Lent from Franciscan Media 25 Great Things You Can Do for Lent: Besides Giving Up Chocolate from Busted Halo Preparing for Lent from Fr. Mike Schmitz What's the Purpose of Lent from Fr. Mike Schmitz Lenten Calendar - Opens one day at a time, leading to a special new Lent-themed Daily Jolt and Microchallenge! from Busted Halo Family Faith Formation for the Home A video series, which hopes to support families in telling the Easter story to their children, will be offered during Lent into the Triduum. Posted on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. Each video will be between 15-30 minutes and contain a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box, a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. By the end of the series, children with their families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days:
Mondays during Lent - Feb 22 and Mar 1, 8,15,22, and 29 Good Friday - Apr 2 Holy Saturday - Apr 3 Easter Sunday - Apr 4 Other resources for families - Lenten Activities from Loyola Press 40 Ideas for 40 Days, Catechetical Activities for Lent, Lent at Home, Lenten Activities for Children, Lenten Family Calendar, Lent Frequently Asked Questions: With Joe Paprocki Treasures of Faith Journey from CatChat Productions Amazing Friendships Between Animals and Saints: Everyone knows about St. Francis and the wolf. But the Christian tradition is full of stories of how animals developed unique friendships with saints. Join author Greg Kennedy, SJ, and illustrator/resources author Kerry Lyn Wilson for a workshop on their latest collaboration, Amazing Friendships Between Animals and Saints. Learn how this book and its web-based resources, full of fun stories, beautiful artwork and rich in lessons on how to care for our common home, the Earth, can be used in the classroom, in study groups with children, or by parents and caregivers with the children in their care. Adults will also find this workshop (and book) engaging and enlightening. The webinar is free but registration is required. Details: DATE: MARCH 4, 2021 TIME: 4:00 – 5 P.M. (EST/EDT) https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t9bfGWywTGOsc7DewDCZgQ?mc_cid=7569ec5d16&mc_eid=511336735f |
Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
February 2025
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