Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday 9 am-12:00; Wednesday - Friday 10am-12:00 and 1-4:30 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22 Refrain April 10, 2022 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., April 11 – No mass - Anonymous Tues., April 12 – No Mass – Fr. Doug is at Chrism Mass - +Lou Chatline Family by Roy Shkopich & Linda Poitras Wed., April 13 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Dan Derocher Family by Roy Shkopich and Linda Poitras Thurs., April 14 – Mass of the Lord’s Supper 5:00 pm – (St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake) - People of God 7:30 pm – (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Fri., April 15 – Celebration of the Passion of the Lord 12:30 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake); 3:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook); 3:00 pm (St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake -Deacon Bill Thibeault) Fri., April 15 – Prayer at the Cross 7:00 pm – (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) Sat., April 16 –Easter Vigil 8:00 pm – (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun., April 17 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun., April 17 – 12:30 pm (St Jude Parish, Green Lake) - People of God Sun., April 17 – 3:00 pm (Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Synod 2021-2023 Information: The parish synod committee is preparing a synthesis which will be given out to everyone so that we can ‘hear’ what others are saying. The synthesis will also be forwarded to the Diocese as our contribution. Thank you for sharing with us! Please know that you matter, and we have made space for you! You can follow the diocesan Synod plans here: https://www.padiocese.ca/synod2023. Sunday Collection – March 27: Our Lady of Peace: $3,162.30; St. Jude Parish: $156.00 ***We are still looking for the person who has Envelope #67! If this is your number can you be in touch with the Parish Office! Thank you!*** The Pope’s Prayer Intention for April – For Health Care Workers: We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities. Aid to Ukraine: Please help the Missionary Oblates help the people of Ukraine. You can donate on-line through our website: www.omilacombe.ca/mami/donations ; E-transfer to [email protected]. Call our office directly 1-866-432-6264; send a cheque payable to AMMI Lacombe Canada MAMI or bring to Parish Office. Mail to 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0C9. Income tax receipts are available for all donations. To date, Friday, April 8st, $253,965.56 has been wired over to assist the needy through the ministry of the Oblates. Scripture Insights – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2022: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2020, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 152. No other Sunday in the liturgical year reflects such dramatic contrast as today. What begins with songs of triumph quickly shifts into remembrance of the Lord’s passion. His royal entrance into the holy city of Jerusalem was also an entrance into the mystery of his suffering, death, and resurrection. As we enter this holiest of weeks with Christ, may our participation in each solemn liturgy draw us into deeper union with him and with one another. Today’s first reading is one of four poems about this servant, who is called to speak for God and is ridiculed and mistreated for his efforts. Even so, the servant continues his mission with complete trust that God will ultimately vindicate him. Luke consistently uses this and other Old Testament Scriptures to portray Jesus as a rejected but always faithful prophet, a concept his Gentile Christian hearers could readily grasp. Today’s passion account contains several elements unique to Luke, who repeatedly depicts Jesus proclaiming by word and deed the mercy of God offered to all, whether Jew or Gentile, sinner or righteous. The passion account portrays Jesus offering mercy and compassion even as he endures his own suffering and death. At his arrest, Jesus’ disciples turn to violence, one of them cutting off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus admonishes them to put away their weapons and heals the man’s ear. At the start of his own passion, Jesus offers God’s healing to one who is an instrument of his suffering. When he is raised up on the cross, Jesus begs God to forgive those who are crucifying him. Unlike Mark and Matthew, Luke narrates that one of the criminals crucified with Jesus acknowledges his own guilt and somehow recognizes Jesus as a prophet of divine mercy. Jesus responds to him: “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk 23:43). The centurion’s statement that “This man was innocent” (Lk 23:47) returns to the theme of the suffering righteous (or “innocent”) one of Isaiah. Even in death, God’s saving power is at work, and Jesus, God’s obedient servant, is acknowledged to be innocent as he awaits God’s ultimate vindication.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Diocesan Youth Rally – The Prince Albert Diocesan Youth Ministry team invites the youth of the Diocese to participate in a Youth Rally on April 23, 2022 (a day filled with fun, music, talks, food, faith, and fellowship) featuring Face-to-Face Ministries. Youth are welcome to bring a friend. Cost: $25 each until April 9th (after April 9th, the cost is $35 each). Location: Plaza 88 Event Centre, Prince Albert. Sponsored by the Bishop’s Appeal. To Register and for Rally information go to: www.padiocese.ca/news-highlights-events . The Chrism Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 pm, Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at Sacred Heart Cathedral - 1401-4th Avenue West, Prince Albert, SK. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to lend your voice to the Diocesan Choir which will lead the music for this celebration, please be in touch with Heidi Epp at the Liturgy Office and plan to be at the Cathedral at 4:00 pm for the practice. Music required will be available at the practice. Family Faith Formation at Home – Video’s will appear on Facebook: A ten-part video series based on the book, Benjamin’s Box, follows Jesus’ way of the cross through a little boy’s eyes. Each clip in this series, created by local catechists, offers a 15–30-minute session, which contains a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box followed by a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. The series can be viewed on Sundays concluding during the Easter weekend on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on Mondays on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. By the end of the series, children with their families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book Benjamin’s Box, contact our Resource Centre at 306-922-4747 extension 229. For the craft supply list go to https://www.padiocese.ca/family-lenten-resources. The final videos are scheduled for Sunday April 10; Holy Thursday Apr 14; Good Friday Apr 15; and Easter Sunday Apr 17. These videos are possible due to the generosity of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supporters. A heartfelt thank you to all who donate. DEVELOPMENT & PEACE: This Lent, let’s put people and planet first This year, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada’s People and Planet First campaign calls you to support our sisters and brothers in the Global South in defending their rights and the planet. Do this by:
Development and Peace: a movement of solidarity - Established in 1967, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. We partner with organizations in the Global South that promote alternatives to unjust social, political and economic structures and support women in their quest for equality and justice. With the help of our 11,000+ volunteer members, we inform Canadians about the root causes of impoverishment and mobilize them to act for change. Our Lenten campaign, People and Planet First, offers you the opportunity to help protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems from corporate abuse. To learn more about and to join our movement, visit devp.org. April 10 - Thank you for giving from the heart to Share Lent 2022! Development and Peace — Caritas Canada thanks you for supporting the People and Planet First campaign with your Share Lent donation. Thanks to your generosity, our parish collected $835.00. This sum will help support our sisters and brothers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. If you have not had a chance to donate, there is still time to place your Share Lent envelope in the offertory or to donate online at devp.org/give. Thank you for continuing to pray for all those who are working to build a world of peace and justice. Deacon Tai Le will be ordained on Friday, June 10th, 2022 at 7 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert. Keep Deacon Tai in your prayers as he continues to prepare for priesthood and for a life of service of God’s People. https://www.padiocese.ca/news-articles Lenten Listening – Reading Scripture In/Through Different Voices: Join us for this exciting series of Lenten Listening and praying. To obtain the link, email: [email protected] How do the ancient holy words speak to us today, especially through the lens of those from different ethnic and racial perspectives? Join us on Zoom for five Thursdays and one Wednesday in lent. March 10-April 13, 2022, 7:00-8:30pm. For more information, contact – The Rev. Matteo Carboni, Humboldt – [email protected] The Rev. Marie-Louise Ternier, Watrous – [email protected] Online Community? Church Hybridity? The Digital Body of Christ? If these are realities which continue to excite, disturb, or otherwise engage you, then mark your calendars for the first annual summer learning event co-sponsored by the three schools of the Saskatoon Theological Union in partnership with St. Thomas More College. From June 13 – 16 we will be exploring the theme of Religious Community in a Digital World. Apropos of our topic, this conference will be held entirely online. It will include keynote presentations, worship, workshops, social time, networking opportunities, and digital spaces for deep and rich ecumenical encounter. Our keynote speakers this summer are Dr. Deanna Thompson (author of The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World) and Dr. Jeffrey Mahan (author of Church as Network: Christian Life and Connection in Digital Culture). Individually and in dialogue, our speakers will be looking at our new digital-ecclesial landscape through historical, theological, and pastoral lenses. For those of us planning on engaging our plugged-in world, no matter how bewildered we may feel in it, these conversations will be missional and life-giving, practical and prophetic. Planning is underway … keep your eyes peeled for registration details as they emerge! For more information, please contact Shawn Sanford Beck at [email protected] or (306) 441 6367 An employment opportunity with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert. The Diocese is currently accepting applications for the position of Receptionist. The position is part-time (21 hrs/week) with a potential on moving to full time (35 hrs/week) in the future. Applicants must have good English speaking and writing skills, a knowledge of the French language would be an asset. Applicants must have a good knowledge of the Catholic Faith Traditions. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office is essential. A working knowledge of the Wix website is necessary as is the ability and desire to learn other computer platforms. The ability to work independently and within an office environment is essential. The successful applicant must also adhere to the Diocese’s Responsible Ministry policy. Job descriptions can be obtained by clicking on the following link: https://www.padiocese.ca/employment-opportunities Further information can be obtained by contacting Louis Hradecki at 306-922-4747 ext 233 or by emailing: [email protected] . Please send a resume to Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert, c/o Louis Hradecki, Office/Programs Manager, 1415 4th Street West, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 5H1. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. All applications will be treated with confidentiality. Deadline for applications is May 1, 2022. Lenten well wishes: Thank you to all those who took part in our Ash Wednesday vigil to mark the global day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. For those of us having difficulty entering into the prayerful spirit of Lent with all the tragedies unfolding around us, we invite you to consult our Share Lent 2022 resources page. There you will find, among other things, our weekly reflections on the bible readings. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive the reflections every Sunday this Lent. May your Lent be filled with spiritual graces. Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday 9 am-12:00; Wednesday - Friday 10am—12:00 and 1-4:30 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126 Refrain April 3, 2022 - Fifth Sunday of Lent Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., April 4 – No mass - Anonymous Tues., April 5 – 9:30am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Norman & Eileen Poitras Family by Roy Shkopich and Linda Poitras Wed., April 6 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Mike Shkopich Family by Roy Shkopich and Linda Poitras Thurs., April 7 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Mike Belick Family by Roy Shkopich and Linda Poitras Fri., April 8 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Josh Delarond Family by Roy Shkopich and Linda Poitras Sat., April 9 – 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake) - Anonymous Sun., April 10 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun., April 10 – 12:30 pm (St Jude Parish, Green Lake) - People of God Sun., April 10 – 12:30 pm (Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Posture for the Communion Procession While we are going to communion it is our custom to stand, and to remain standing until everyone has received communion AND the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle. During the Communion Procession we are to join in the singing of the Communion Hymn. After we have received communion AND AFTER the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle by the Priest or the Extraordinary Minister of Communion, we may either sit or kneel and engage in our own personal and private prayer. While the sacred vessels are being purified people may either sit or kneel. The Gospel of St. Luke – This year at our Sunday masses we will be listening to the Gospel of St. Luke. Fr. Doug will present four one-hour sessions on the Gospel – looking at its structure and themes and stories. If you would like to understand the Gospel of St. Luke a little better, please join him for these presentations which will be on Facebook at 7:30 pm. This week we will look more closely at the stories of the Last Supper, the arrest of Jesus, the crucifixion and death and the resurrection and appearances of Jerusalem. The next session is Wednesday, April 6. Development and Peace Collection – This is the Fifth Sunday of Lent and it is Solidarity Sunday. This year’s campaign is entitled People and Planet First and encourages us to live more in communion with the peoples of the Global South. Bishop Stephen Hero writes, “In this Season of Lent when we remember how God’s Son became poor to enrich us with God’s life and a new vision of universal love, it is a ‘favorable time’ to express our deep commitment to our brothers and sisters who are in need. Thank you for your sacrifices and prayers that bring so much good to our world.” I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do locally and universally. I also want to encourage you to be as generous as you are able in response to the needs of the world. Synod 2021-2023 Information: The parish synod committee is preparing a synthesis which will be given out to everyone so that we can ‘hear’ what others are saying. The synthesis will also be forwarded to the Diocese as our contribution. Thank you for sharing with us! Please know that you matter, and we have made space for you! You can follow the diocesan Synod plans here: https://www.padiocese.ca/synod2023. Sunday Collection – March 27: Our Lady of Peace: $660.00; St. Jude Parish: $185.00 ***Still looking for the person who has Envelope #67! If this is your number can you be in touch with the Parish Office! Thanks!*** The Pope’s Prayer Intention for April – For Health Care Workers We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may hey be adequately supported by governments and local communities. Aid to Ukraine: “Oblates do not leave people, even until the end.” Fr. Pavlo Vyshkovskyi OMI gives interview from the capital city of Kyiv. Follow this interview from Vatican News. You can listen to the full interview to get an understanding of the Oblate ministry in Ukraine at this time. Fr. Ken Forster, OMI says that as Russian artillery pounds Ukrainian cities in hopes of softening up resistance, Fr. Pavlo Vyshkovskyi, OMI refuses to entertain the notion of abandoning the faithful entrusted to his care. The missionary now serves, with two other Oblates assisting him, as the parish priest of St. Nicholas Catholic Church in the capital, Kyiv. Photo: Fr. Pavlo Vyshlovskyi OMI with a load of supplies for distribution. By Devin Watkins “Ctrl + Click” to follow link to the Vatican News website and interview. If you want to support Ukraine through the Oblates send through MAMI. Please help the Missionary Oblates help the people of Ukraine. You can donate on-line through our website: www.omilacombe.ca/mami/donations ; E-transfer to [email protected]. Call our office directly 1-866-432-6264; send a cheque payable to AMMI Lacombe Canada MAMI or bring to Parish Office. Mail to 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0C9. Income tax receipts are available for all donations. To date, Friday, April 1st, $125,000 has been wired over to assist the needy through the ministry of the Oblates. Scripture Insights - Fifth Sunday of Lent: Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2022: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2020, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 146. As the church approaches the great celebration of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus, Scripture raises hopeful images of newness. Isaiah prophesies to a community that had forgotten its identity as “People of God”; repeatedly they had turned away from love of God and neighbor. The Old Testament portrays the exile as God’s just punishment designed to turn the people back to the covenant and to God, their one source of life. Isaiah assures the exiles in Babylon that that their ever-faithful God has ended their decades of captivity and has begun a dramatic renewal. They will not simply return to the promised land; God plans to create the people anew, “that they might announce my praise.” (Is 43:21). His merciful initiative of “doing something new” (43:19) awaits the re-created people’s proper response: grateful praise. Writing to the Philippians, Paul again calls them to forget “what lies behind” (Phil 3:13). He urges the people to embrace the fullness of life that comes only in Christ. In the Gospel, John offers a glimpse of that new life: compassion and mercy offered to all, no matter their offense. The woman caught in adultery has no reason to expect forgiveness. In the hands of religious leaders, she can only wait in horror for the inevitable application of the law: death by stoning. But Jesus imagines a new order in which even accusers reflect on and realize their own failures. In this tense scene, in which hearts are hardened against the woman, he creates the conditions for change. What person aware of his or her own sin, could dare to condemn another? Reminded of their own sinfulness, the leaders reluctantly depart. To the woman, Jesus offers no condemnation. He does, however, show her how to embrace the new life God offers: “Go and from now on do not sin anymore” (Jn 8:11). *Today’s Gospel often gets told as a story of forgiveness. But Jesus does not offer the woman forgiveness. Why? She may not have needed it in this case. The scribes and Pharisees say the woman was caught in adultery. But consider: who knows what happened behind closed doors? Was it really adultery? Or was the woman really a survivor of sexual assault? Jesus turns the issue back on the men and raises the reality of their sin. “Are you without sin.” Jesus seems to say. “I don’t think so.” *Once again, a woman is not given the chance to tell her own side of the story. The dialogue recorded in today’s Gospel is between the scribes and Pharisees and Jesus. The topic of conversation involves the woman, yet she is rendered silent until the crowd leaves. Imagine: what might the woman have shared if given the space to speak out? *Isaiah raves about the Lord who opens a path through the mighty waters. God opens paths in unexpected places. Opportunities for Confessions: Our Lady of Peace Parish – Tuesday, April 5th - 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Fr. Doug and Fr. Kendrick available) and Wednesday, April 6 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Fr. Doug available); St. Jude’s Parish, after mass on April 3; Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake, after mass on April 10th or you may call the parish office to arrange for an appointment. DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Diocesan Youth Rally – The Prince Albert Diocesan Youth Ministry team invites the youth of the Diocese to participate in a Youth Rally on April 23, 2022 (a day filled with fun, music, talks, food, faith, and fellowship) featuring Facetoface Ministries. Youth are welcome to bring a friend. Cost: $25 each until April 9th. (after April 9th the cost is $35 each). Location: Plaza 88 Event Centre, Prince Albert. Sponsored by the Bishop’s Appeal. To Register and for Rally information go to: www.padiocese.ca/news-highlights-events . The Chrism Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 pm, Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at Sacred Heart Cathedral - 1401-4th Avenue West, Prince Albert, SK. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to lend your voice to the Diocesan Choir which will lead the music for this celebration please be in touch with Heidi Epp at the Liturgy Office and plan to be at the Cathedral at 4:00 pm for the practice. Music required will be available at the practice. Journey through Lent Virtual Opportunities for Adults and Families This year’s Virtual Lenten Bible Study will focus on the Passion reading from Palm Sunday, Apr 10, 2022 (Luke 22.14-23.56). The reading will be reflected on over the six Thursdays from Mar 3 until Apr 7 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. each week. The evening will begin with Lectio Divina, followed by small group sharing on the reading. These are stand-alone sessions, so if you cannot attend them all but would like to attend a few of them, that would be fine. Lectio Divina (Latin for “Divine Reading”) is a traditional monastic practice of reading Scripture to promote communion with God and increase knowledge of God’s word. The chosen reading is listened to four times from four different stances: Lectio (Read), Meditatio (Reflect - Think), Oratio (Respond - Pray), and Contemplatio (Rest - Remain in God’s presence). Family Faith Formation at Home – Video’s will appear on Facebook: A ten-part video series based on the book, Benjamin’s Box, follows Jesus’ way of the cross through a little boy’s eyes. Each clip in this series, created by local catechists, offers a 15–30-minute session, which contains a short reading from the story Benjamin’s Box followed by a Scripture reading, a craft, a challenge, and a prayer. The series can be viewed on Sundays beginning Feb 27 and concluding during the Easter weekend on the RC Diocese of Prince Albert: Evangelization and Catechesis Facebook page and later on Mondays on the Evangelization and Catechesis webpage on the RC Diocese of PA website. By the end of the series, children with their families will have heard the Easter story and collected items symbolizing key moments of Jesus’ experience during his last days. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book Benjamin’s Box, contact our Resource Centre at 306-922-4747 extension 229. For the craft supply list go to https://www.padiocese.ca/family-lenten-resources. Here is the video schedule: Sundays during Lent - March 20, 27, April 3 and 10. Holy Thursday - Apr 14; Good Friday - Apr 15; Easter Sunday - Apr 17. These events are possible due to the generosity of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supporters. A heartfelt thank you to all who donate. Deacon Tai Le will be ordained on Friday, June 10th, 2022 at 7 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert. Keep Deacon Tai in your prayers as he continues to prepare for priesthood and for a life of service of God’s People. https://www.padiocese.ca/news-articles DEVELOPMENT & PEACE: This Lent, let’s put people and planet first This year, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada’s People and Planet First campaign calls you to support our sisters and brothers in the Global South in defending their rights and the planet. Do this by:
For more information, contact Michael LeBlanc at 306-205-2334 or [email protected]. Development and Peace: a movement of solidarity - Established in 1967, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. We partner with organizations in the Global South that promote alternatives to unjust social, political and economic structures and support women in their quest for equality and justice. With the help of our 11,000+ volunteer members, we inform Canadians about the root causes of impoverishment and mobilize them to act for change. Our Lenten campaign, People and Planet First, offers you the opportunity to help protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems from corporate abuse. To learn more about and to join our movement, visit devp.org. Week 5: April 3 – Solidarity Sunday - This Lent, give from the heart This Solidarity Sunday, Development and Peace’s People and Planet First campaign invites you to give from the heart and thanks you warmly for your generosity. Your donation transforms the lives of some of our most vulnerable sisters and brothers across the world. In Cambodia, for instance, your solidarity helped our partner DPA establish a community fishery in Srey Packly’s village. She said, “Thank you very much to DPA and to the donors for supporting my family and fellow villagers to have fresh and healthy fish to eat and to improve our livelihoods.” Such is the difference you can make by giving to your Share Lent parish collection or at devp.org/give. Thank you for helping us build a world of justice. Read more about these people’s victories in our Mini-magazine at devp.org/lent/resources. Lenten Listening – Reading Scripture In/Through Different Voices: Join us for this exciting series of Lenten Listening and praying. To obtain the link, email: [email protected] How do the ancient holy words speak to us today, especially through the lens of those from different ethnic and racial perspectives? Join us on Zoom for five Thursdays and one Wednesday in lent. March 10-April 13, 2022, 7:00-8:30pm. For more information, contact – The Rev. Matteo Carboni, Humboldt – [email protected] The Rev. Marie-Louise Ternier, Watrous – [email protected] |
Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
February 2025
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