11/15/2020 0 Comments November 8th, 2020Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile Parish, waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.” Psalm 23 November 8, 2020 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning in Meadow Lake please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity and do not want to turn someone away from the door. Let us remember the members of our Canadian Armed Forces who gave and continue to give of themselves in the efforts of Peace. Lest we forget! Masses Intentions Mon., Nov 9 - No Mass Tues., Nov 10, 6:30 pm (Facebook) - +Cletus Smith by Mary Smith Wed., Nov 11, 6:30 pm (Parish Church & Facebook) - +Gary Smith by Mary Smith Thurs, Nov 12, 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Ernie Hofer by Jane Weber Fri., Nov 13, 6:30 pm (Facebook) - Lori by Theresa Rodrigue Sat, Nov 14, 9:00 a.m. (Facebook) - In Thanksgiving by George and Theresa Yew Sat., Nov, 14 p.m. (Parish Hall) - People of God Sun., Nov. 15, 10 a.m. Parish Church & Facebook - People of God Sun., Nov. 15, 12:30 pm St. Jude’s, Green Lake - People of God Sun., Nov. 15, 3:00 pm Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake - People of God PARISH EVENTS: This week in the parish:
Our Lady of Peace Parish – 25 pledges received for $8,195.00 with a goal of $16,904. St. Jude’s Parish – 3 pledges received for $450.00 with a goal of $1,167. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 VIRTUAL POTLUCK – Thank you to all who participated in our Virtual All Saints /Thanksgiving/Halloween Potluck. There were some lovely photos, encouraging words and blessings shared…along with a little humour…the poor and lowly Brussel Sprout, a healthy but sometimes disliked vegetable! DEVELOPMENT & PEACE: In response to D&P’s request to hold a Recovery Collection this fall, we have organized “A special the weekend of November 15, 2020, will be designated to Development Peace initiatives in response to COVID-19 around the globe.” Your donation will give aid to areas of the world where hunger, starvation and unclean water are the daily life of many; the people also need our prayers and love to have the courage to overcome the poverty. CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES: Contact Pat/Rhys Beaulieu at 236-5959 or come to the Parish Office during Office Hours (2:00 pm-4:30pm Mon. through Fri) to get your shoeboxes. Bring them back by November 15th. Wednesday, November 4, at 6:30 pm - On Wednesday, November 4 we celebrated mass in honor of all the deceased members of the Meadow Lake Cluster. Some 30 people were remembered. Small candles were lit for each person and one large candle was lit for the members of our families and our friends who passed this year but were not members of one of the three parishes. Gathering to pray for our deceased brothers and sisters is an ancient Church practice. In praying for the deceased members of our community we are reminding ourselves of the faithfulness of God and of our care for our brothers and sisters. UPDATE ON RENOVATIONS: This week the new walls in the Chapel Hall were painted. The steps were removed, and a ramp and new steps were built. On Thursday, SaskTel came and installed a temporary line. SaskPower came and approved the plan for installing a new line to the Church Building. SaskEnergy contacted us, and the new gas line will be installed in the coming week. The Chapel Hall will require cleaning once the interior work is completed. When it has been cleaned, we will need assistance to move the large safe, the desks, files and furniture from the present Office to the New Location. I will be in touch with you when we can move our Office! For the Love of Creation is hosting a Fall Forum every Monday evening this November on Zoom. Join us to learn more about our collective work for climate justice, engage with guest speakers, and take action for climate justice together online. Simultaneous translation will be available. For more information on dates and registration, please follow the above link. https://www.padiocese.ca/ecumenical-commission 100 pages of Gratitude - Celebrating the Ministry of Bishop Albert Thevenot, M. Afr. On Saturday, November 7 at 2:00 pm we will have a celebration at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in St. Walburg to honor the ministry of Bishop Albert Thevenot (in accordance with Sask Health guidelines). If you have not already prepared an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of gratitude you can still do so…drop it off at the Parish Office. A PRAYER AS WE WAIT FOR A NEW BISHOP Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending us your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our shepherd. We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us during this time of discernment. We pray that the one you have chosen will respond to your call. May your Spirit give him the wisdom for this calling and the love to continue to gather Your people in faith, joy, peace and hope. We ask this prayer through your Son and Mary, mother of the Church. Amen What’s your Catholic IQ? Last week’s answer: Holy Orders is a sacrament for priests, bishops & deacons who become special ministers to serve the Church. This week’s question: The water for Baptism (a) must come from a spring (b) comes from the Vatican City where the Pope lives (c) is ordinary water that is blessed by a special prayer (d) has vitamins added? CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION - Leadership Program https://www.padiocese.ca/catholic-women-s-leadership-foundat "Are you called to join other Canadian Catholic women learning how your leadership has the power to transform where you work, volunteer, and live? Applications are now available for the 2021-2022 Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation Program. The in-person and online program, facilitated by the Providence School of Transformational Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University (Ottawa), runs from April/21 to May/22. Visit www.cwlfcanada.ca Application deadline November 20, 2020", or follow the diocesan link above. If you have any questions about the Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation or our program, please contact: Neysa Finnie, Chair, Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation at [email protected] or 604-813-1612 DYING HEALED WORKSHOP - On Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., thanks to the Bishops Appeal, the diocese will offer via Zoom Technology a workshop that we can take part in either in our homes or together at the Parish. The workshop will provide comprehensive education on palliative care/end of life issues and preliminary training for palliative and hospice care volunteers. Also suitable for those wishing to provide compassion and support to those in need, particularly at the end of life. This workshop fosters a deep and lasting awareness of the meaning and dignity of each human life and the meaning and dignity of all human suffering, especially at the end of life, when the human person is preparing for their final moments on earth. The aim is to train people both in the concepts of “Dying Healed” and to train volunteers to spend time with those who suffer, those socially isolated or those who are dying, so that they can experience the power of human presence and obtain some healing both spiritually and emotionally. The beauty of this program is that it is not complicated, and it doesn’t require advanced degrees. It requires faith in our own ability to effect change just by being who we are and giving our time to those most in need. If we don’t reach out to the suffering, who will? FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO TAKE PART IN CHILDREN'S LITURGY ON-LINE: Until November 22, 2020, the Diocese will be offering Children's Liturgy on-line. The posts will be up at 11:00 a.m. following the 10:00 a.m. streamed Diocesan Sunday Mass and later that same day on the Diocesan website at www.padiocese.ca. Click on the following link to view Children’s Liturgy. For other resources to promote faith at home, families are also invited to check-out these online resources. LOYOLA PRESS: Family Faith Ideas, Crafts and Articles, and CATHOLIC ICING: Family Faith Ideas with Crafts for Young Families. DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE/CARITAS CANADA has been and is today our Canadian Catholic Organization which offers us an opportunity to offer support. We are all responsible for one another and we have a role to play in what is happening in our world today. Since there was no Share Lent collection in Parishes during March, significant cutbacks and staff layoffs had to be made. Can you help? UPDATE – WATER PROJECT – CWL/CHALICE: Chalice has sent a progress report on the water project for which we fundraised $750 in Fall 2019. This project was designed to create an adequate, consistent water supply to the institutions and surrounding communities in the LWAK Village in West Asembo, Kenya. It was intended to reduce the spread of water borne diseases, increase the level of personal and environmental hygiene, improve small scale farming outputs through irrigation, and save time for the children who must haul water from the lake. Cost savings will occur for the hospital and households who are forced to pay for water during certain periods of the year. Chalice says, “Thank you for your generous support for the work that we do to help those in need.” Stay tuned for Part 2 on the update coming out in next weekend’s bulletin.
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
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