Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 All the ends of the earth have seen the vict’ry of our God. Psalm 98 Refrain December 25, 2022 - Nativity of the Lord Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Pastoral Council Chair: Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Dec. 26 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - Anonymous Tues., Dec. 27 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Louis, Germaine & Raymond Wilfing by Nick & Eileen Charney Wed., Dec. 28 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Louis, Germaine & Raymond Wilfing by Nick & Eileen Charney Thurs., Dec. 29 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Louis, Germaine & Raymond Wilfing by Nick & Eileen Charney Fri., Dec. 30 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Morgan Boyer by Theresa Tourand Sat., Dec. 31 – 5:00 pm (St. Jude Parish, Green Lake) - People of God Sat., Dec. 31 – 7:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) Holy Hour Sun., Jan. 1 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Mon., Jan. 2 – No mass Tues., Jan. 3 - No public mass - +Paulette Tourand by Theresa Tourand Wed., Jan. 4 – No public mass - +Roderick Laliberte by Theresa Tourand Thurs., Jan. 5 – No public mass - +Paul J. Tourand by Theresa Tourand Fri., Jan. 6 – No public mass - Frey Family by Geoff Frey Sat. Jan. 7 – 5:00 pm (St. Jude Parish, Green Lake) - People of God Sun., Jan. 8 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sunday Collection – December 18: Meadow Lake $2053.55 Green Lake – $130.50 November CAFT $2210.00 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for December – For volunteer not-for-profit organizations: We pray for volunteer non-profit organizations committed to human development; may they find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out new paths to international cooperation. The Pope’s Prayer Intention for January – For educators – We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable of all. New Envelope Boxes are available - Please pick them up and only begin using them for the New Year! Please note that your income tax receipts will be ready toward the end of January and beginning of February. Thank you – Each year our parish has been in the practice of engaging in the Reverse Collection. Despite the economic challenges we continue to do so. The contributions we make have a profound and very positive effect on the well being of our community. This year has been no exception. As a result of your generosity the parish was able to contribute 923 pounds of food to the Door of Hope. For your generosity I give thanks to you and to the God who dwells within you! Simbang Gabi – This year for the first time as the pastor of our Lady of Peace Parish I had the privilege of celebrating with the Filipino members of our community the traditional novena that precedes the great feast of the Nativity of the Lord. From December 16 to December 23 we celebrated mass – the readings and music and offerings were prepared by members of the Filipino community. It was a wonderful celebration and there are plans to build upon what we have accomplished this year. Many thanks to the individuals and families who contributed to our celebration. May the life of Christ continue to grow within us as we celebrate and share our faith with one another. Coats for Kids – Our Knights of Columbus are collecting good used coats which will be given to Green Lake School. If you have good used coats, please drop them off in the box at the back of the church. World Day of Peace – January 1 The World Day of Peace was established by Pope Paul VI in 1968 who asked that “every year, this commemoration be repeated as a hope and as a promise, at the beginning of the calendar which measures and outlines the path of human life in time, that Peace with its just and beneficent equilibrium may dominate the development of events to come.” Each year has a specific theme, chosen by the Holy Father. Taken from Ordo page 107 Workshop on Violence – January 14, 2023 Violence in our homes and in our communities is a reality. Unfortunately, it impacts many of us in our daily life. Sometimes we are the ones who receive the violence and sometimes we are the ones who do the violence. Given the levels of violence present in Saskatchewan and in our communities we (Our Lady of Peace Parish and Victim Services – Meadow Lake) are planning a workshop for January 14, 2023. The Workshop, entitled OUR COMMUNITY, OUR VIOLENCE will be held at our Parish Hall from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Lunch will be served after the Workshop. Please come early, get a coffee/tea and a snack and be ready for our speaker who will start at 10:00 am. Who should come to this workshop? Anyone (adult) who is interested in helping to protect our communities from violence. Feel free to invite friends and family. Rod McKendrick is the presenter. He has years of experience and is committed to helping people reduce violence in their lives. There is no cost to take part although if you would like to donate to help us cover our costs, your generosity is much appreciated. Should you experience trauma as Rod speaks there will be two people available to talk with you. If you are planning to come, please call the parish office and leave a message (306 236 5122). This will enable us to plan for our refreshment break and lunch. Bishop’s Annual Appeal: “Walking Together in Hope” October 16, 2022 – December 31, 2022 - Every gift is greatly appreciated! Bishop’s Annual Appeal - “Walking Together in Hope”. We are now in the last week of the 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have already sent in your pledge for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, thank you for your generosity. If you haven’t done so yet and are planning to, the Appeal Office would like to receive all pledges on or before December 31, 2022. If you have lost or misplaced your Appeal information, additional pledge cards are available from your Parish Office or contact the Appeal Office at 306-922-4747 ext. 234. Please continue to pray for the success of the 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. As of December 19th, the diocese has received 40 pledges from Our Lady of Peace Parish for $14,299.00: 2 pledges from Green Lake for $700.00 and 1117 pledges from the whole diocese for a total of $365,780.35 for the Bishop’s Appeal. Scripture Insights – Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2023: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2022, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 38.
Scripture Insights – Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2023; page 46.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Offer Hope in the Light of Christ - Ongoing Hunger Crisis in Somalia: Development and Peace -Caritas Canada stands in solidarity with partner organizations providing lifesaving work on the ground. Donate today by selecting “the Hunger Crisis” at www.devp.org/donate and join your support with the thousands of Canadian Catholics who are offering help in this desperate time. For more information see www.devp.org For current updates, please go to https://padiocese.ca/development-and-peace Dear members and friends of Our Lady of the Smile, St. Jude’s, and Our Lady of Peace: As the day for celebrating the birth of Jesus approaches and as I begin to decorate my Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music, I am taken back in time to my childhood. I remember the work, the sights and sounds and celebrations of Christmas, the excitement, and the disappointments. Sometimes Christmas was pretty simple. We were not a rich family, yet we had what was essential. In addition to the cultural practices of Christmas, my parents tried to share with us a way of being in the world that was influenced by their faith in the Incarnation – the presence of Jesus. A sense of the sacred and of religious tradition ran through our family history. I had a few great aunts who were members of the Benedictine Sisters. Before the Church building was built my mother’s parents welcomed the priest to their home for the celebration of mass for the local community. The priest was a welcome presence. My mother made every effort to make sure we learned our Catechism, even after we had celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. Their gift to us which included engaging in the life of the Church, also included some simple things like: “If something needs to be done, lean into it and work until it is done” “don’t lie, always tell the truth” “always give your work your best” “be respectful” “don’t talk back, ever” “when you go to bed, pray, when you get up pray and pray throughout the day” “make sure you eat what is on your plate, there are so many hungry people who would appreciate what we have.” What is lovely about my memories is that mom and dad (and older siblings) did not just ask this of us, they tried to give us good example to follow! For them, these were things that flowed from their relationship with God as it had been handed down to them through their family culture. We set up the Christmas tree a few days before Christmas and we took it down after the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Some foods were only prepared and eaten during the Christmas season. People were always welcome at our table. As I look back on my life as a priest, the gift of faith that was shared with me by my family has influenced my words and actions. When I have been tempted to cut corners or take the easy path, I remember the words and example of my parents. When I have been inclined to put myself first, I remember the example of my parents. When I have been too busy to pray, I remember the workload and commitment of my parents. Their example and their faith calls to me and invites me into relationship with Jesus. As I look at Mary, her example also calls to me. A young woman of faith visited by an angel. Fearful and overwhelmed with the task she had been given and no doubt uncertain about all that the angel had told her, Mary surrendered and gave herself to God. Despite her own desires she chose to be a servant of God, despite her fear she moved towards God with trust, despite her doubts she moved towards God with obedience. Whether we are young or old, or somewhere in between, the faith of Mary calls to us and invites us to share faith. We are called to share faith with our children, with our parents, and with our neighbours. Our faith vision can make a difference in our world. While we might not experience a visit from the angel Gabriel, the Spirit of God, dwelling within us certainly inspires us. Like Mary we are called to make a difference. We begin with our own words and actions within our family home, we continue in our Church, and we extend ourselves into the local community and the wider world. The message of the angels, “Peace on earth, goodwill to all” can only be realized when you and I model our lives on the example of Mary. Like Mary we need to learn to say every day at morning, noon and night, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” As we try to serve the Lord we will stumble and fall. God’s grace will not abandon us; we will be forgiven, and we can try and try again. Let us volunteer ourselves for the work that needs to be done in our family home, in our Church community, in our local community and in our world. Let us be servants and let it be with us according to God’s vision. Merry Christmas and may you have a Happy and Blessed New Year. Pat Bencharski (Secretary) Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI (Pastor)
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
January 2025
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