7/29/2022 0 Comments July 31st, 2022Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 10am-12:00 and 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.” Psalm 90 Refrain July 31, 2022 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Aug. 1 – No mass Tues., Aug. 2 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Wed., Aug. 3 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Thurs., Aug. 4 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Violet Ollenberger by Theresa Tourand Fri., Aug. 5 – Funeral for Elizabeth Starr (Green Lake) Sat. Aug. 6 – Funeral for Flora Laliberte (Green Lake) Sat., Aug. 6 – 7:00 pm – (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake) - People of God Sun., Aug. 7 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun., Aug. 7 – 12:30 pm (St Jude Parish, Green Lake) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. Come & Go Tea for Mary Smith’s 90th birthday on Saturday, July 30 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the parish hall. Please come help her celebrate.
Sunday Collection – July 24: Meadow Lake $1582.00 Green Lake $289.30 Remembering: We ask you to remember in your prayers +Anna Tourand and her family. Anna’s funeral was held on July 27, 2022. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. A Special Thank You to Deacon Bill Thibeault (and Lorraine) and to the lay presiders in Meadow Lake – Margaret Alger, Don Campbell, Judy Barker and Rhea Scherr and in Green Lake – Dan Martian for leading our prayer services while Father Doug was away. Parish Lawn Mower – As you may have noticed our lawn tractor has been functioning with the assistance of duct tape, wire and prayer and sometimes even that is barely enough. It is time for a new tractor. We have purchased a new tractor that should keep us going for a long time into the future. A huge word of thanks to all those who made this lawn tractor purchase possible through your knowledge and wisdom and generosity. If you would like to make a special donation to the purchase of the tractor in addition to your regular Sunday donation just note on your cheque “Tractor purchase”. Again, thanks to all of you for helping us to maintain our facilities and properties! We continue to receive positive comments about our buildings and grounds, and this is because of your kindness! The Pope’s Prayer Intention for August – For Small Businesses: We pray for small and medium sized businesses; in the midst of economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating, and serving their communities. Scripture Insights – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2022: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2020, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 290.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND Youth Gathering – St. Walburg Parish is hosting a Youth & Parents Program on Saturday, Aug. 13th from 10:00 – 4:00. Registration begins at 9:30 am. Some of the day’s events include games/ mass/ lunch/sharing of talents/ spiritual talk/Christian movie. For further details or to register contact Fr. Peter Nnanga at 306-344-7867 or Fr. Peter Passe at 306-441-9985 St. Philomena Pilgrimage - Each year the Archdiocese of Regina sponsors the St. Philomena Walking Pilgrimage (Aug 11-14) from Yorkton, SK. to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Rama, SK. The registration fee is $70.00 and the deadline is Aug. 4th). You walk and support vehicles bring your supplies. Talk to Theresa Rodrigue or get information at: https://www.stphilomena.ca/home. Aid to Ukraine: Please help the Missionary Oblates help the people of Ukraine. You can donate on-line through our website: www.omilacombe.ca/mami/donations ; E-transfer to [email protected]. Call our office directly 1-866-432-6264; send a cheque payable to AMMI Lacombe Canada MAMI or bring to Parish Office. Mail to 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0C9. Income tax receipts are available for all donations.
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January 2025
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