OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH ALSO SERVING OUR LADY OF THE SMILE PARISH, WATERHEN LAKE AND ST. JUDE’S PARISH, GREEN LAKE OFFICE HOURS FOR PARISH SECRETARY: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm OFFICE HOURS FOR FR. DOUG: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “O bless the Lord, my soul!” Psalm 104 Refrain January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord OUR VISION: A COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES OUR MISSION WE COMMIT TO FORM DISCIPLES WHO JOYFULLY AND FAITHFULLY LIVE OUT THE MISSION OF JESUS CHRIST BY ENRICHING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND NEIGHBOUR THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF OUR LADY OF PEACE. PASTOR: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI PARISH SECRETARY: Lorraine Thibeault PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIR: Doris Beaubien SaskHealth has informed us that all citizens age 5 & older are eligible to receive a Covid19 vaccine and that booster doses of the Covid19 vaccine are available to individuals 50 yrs. and older. In the Far North and in First Nations’ communities, individuals 18 yrs. & older are eligible to receive the booster. Let us make whatever efforts we can to keep our brothers and sisters safe. Getting vaccinated is the best thing we can do to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Please encourage one another to get vaccinated and encourage your children to get vaccinated. Wearing masks, sanitizing, social distancing and limiting the size of gatherings also help. Let us be safe and care for one another. If you HAVE NOT been vaccinated and you choose to join us for liturgy, you are EXPOSING YOURSELF TO SERIOUS RISK because of the more infectious omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH 1. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, MASKS ARE REQUIRED WHEN YOU ENTER THE CHURCH & the PARISH OFFICE! 2. The next Songs at Seven will take place January 13, 2022 at 7 p.m.. 3. 2021 - 2022 Sunday Missals are available on the table at the back of the church for $5.00 each. A box is available at the back of the church for recycling of the old missals. Thanks for being conscious of our environmental stewardship responsibilities. 4. 2022 Donation Envelopes: The primary source of funding for our parish and our parish activities is the monies given at our Sunday Liturgies. Have you been helping our parish during the pandemic? The 2022 Donation Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Be sure to pick up yours! If you do not have an envelope, you can contact the Parish Office to register and receive a set! Thanks for your help! It is needed and appreciated! 5. Thanks to the many people who made contributions to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. To date, Our Lady of Peace has offered $16,444.00 and St. Jude’s $700.00 towards the Diocesan goal of $450,000.00. To date, the Diocese has received a total of $400,442.19. Further updates will be provided as donations are received. Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, the Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Jan. 10 – No mass Personal Intention Tues., Jan. 11 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) +Linda Dansereau by Carmelita Cameron Wed., Jan. 12 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) Lauren Ouellette by Norman & Francis Steier Thurs., Jan. 13 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) +Josette Laliberte by Alex Villbrun and Laura Baron Fri., Jan. 14 – 9:30 am mass (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) +Josette Laliberte by Alex Villbrun & Laura Baron Sat., Jan. 15 – 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake) Anonymous Sun., Jan. 16 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) People of God Sun., Jan. 16 – 12:30 pm (St Jude Parish, Green Lake) People of God Synod 2021-2023 Information – It is now time to move into the listening phase of the Synodal Process! Our group sessions and listening phase is January to the end of March 2022. You can take part at the parish level or you can take part at the Diocesan level. On Sunday, I will talk about the Synod and how you can take part at the parish level. At the Sunday liturgy, you will receive a copy of my homily/explanation. Beginning this Sunday, I ask that each household in the parish pray every day from now until the end of March when we submit our thoughts and reflections to the Diocese. You can follow the diocesan Synod plans here: https://www.padiocese.ca/synod2023. If you want to take part at the Diocesan level, there are two opportunities to do so: Main Synod Questions (Belonging/Listening/Speaking Out) – February 9th REGISTER HERE Main Synod Questions (Belonging/Listening/Speaking Out) – March 9th REGISTER HERE Prayer for the Synod We stand before you, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen Parish Secretary – Lorraine Thibeault has informed me that she will be joining her family in Shellbrook, SK effective January 17th and will no longer serve as the parish secretary. While we knew this day was coming, we are sad to see Lorraine move on. A job opportunity for the secretary position has been posted at SaskJobs. If you know of someone who would be interested in this ministry, please have them contact me at (306) 236 5122 or they can email their application to [email protected] Sunday Collection – Sunday, Jan. 2: Our Lady of Peace Parish: $1430.50; St. Jude’s Parish: $178.80 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – January 18th – 25th – “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Mt 2:2) – “This universal week of prayer encourages Christians of all denominations to meet, to participate in various liturgical and other community activities, and to pray together that all may be one, as Christ desires. The importance of unity among Christians and the responsibility of the people of each parish to work for this unity should be emphasized throughout the week. All members of the parish should seek to have a deeper understanding of ecumenism.” (Taken from the Ordo pg. 124) Furnishing a Room in the Northwest Community Lodge. To date, we have collected $10,255.00. When we reach $12,000.00, the parish will pass this on to the Northwest Community Lodge Association. Donations will be added to your envelope total. Your donation will be receipted as per usual. Questions - contact Fr. Doug or Pat Bencharski! The Baptism of the Lord: Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2022: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2020, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 54 The manifestations of Christ that we celebrate during Christmas Time culminate in the Baptism of the Lord. On the last day of the Christmas season, may we think of how we will be open to allow Christ to be manifested in our lives. Let us resolve to consciously choose to follow Christ more closely and take seriously our baptismal call to live as disciples. In various ways, today’s feast and its Scriptures extend last Sunday’s revelation of Christ and his all-embracing compassion. The second reading announces once again that the “grace of God has appeared, saving all” (Ti 2:11). We are further reminded that God pours out his saving presence in Jesus Christ, not because of human merit, but because the very character of God is loving mercy, extended to all without exception. The first reading and Gospel further illustrate a common theme in Luke: Christ fulfills the prophecy of old. While Luke’s hearers, Greek-speaking Gentile converts, might not have been familiar with Old Testament prophets, they did believe in prophecy. Hence the evangelist frequently refers, directly or indirectly, to Old Testament Scriptures, especially prophetic figures or writings. Isaiah speaks God’s Word of comfort to Judean captives in Babylon. Though their present existence seems to be nothing but desolate wasteland, the same God who led their ancestors through the desert in the exodus story will again bring them through the “rough country” (Is 40:4) to new freedom. The prophet proclaims that God will come as a strong yet tender shepherd, gently carrying them home. A few chapters after today’s reading, Isaiah indicates how God’s people will be renewed: through a servant of the Lord. Through the prophet, God describes the servant as “my chosen one with whom I am pleased,” empowered by “my spirit” (Is 42:1). By divine power, the servant will bring God’s healing to the weak and bruised. Luke portrays a people “filled with expectation” (Lk 3:15), wondering if John the Baptist could be God’s chosen one. The Baptist says he is not, and points to the one who will fulfill the prophecy. As Jesus prays after his baptism, the divine voice proclaims, “You are my beloved Son” (Lk 3:22). • Baptism is the sacrament of formation into the Christian life. Baptism is the sacrament that calls us into Christian action first—not ordination. A collar or habit is not required to be like Christ. Believing so only perpetuates a clericalism that threatens to squash the call of every baptized person. How will you help parishioners to claim the authority given to them at their baptism? • It is in the waters of baptism that we—lay, ordained, and religious—are marked in the name of our Triune God. As our foreheads are anointed with chrism, we are told: “He now anoints you with the Chrism of salvation, / so that you may remain members of Christ, Priest, Prophet and King, so may you live always as a member of his body.” We’re put in a white garment because through baptism “you have clothed yourself with Christ.” Then, finally, there is the lighting of the baptismal candle, in which we are told to “receive the light of Christ” and to keep the flame “burning brightly.” (Quotes taken from the OBC 62 and 64) DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND LEARNING THE ART OF ACCOMPANIMENT: ADULT FAITH FORMATION This second one-hour session is in response to the feedback in the evaluation from the first session and will focus on expanding our parish adult faith offerings. The evening will occur in three parts: 1) We will begin by sharing stories of what is going well and where we see room for improvement in our adult faith ministry. 2) A discussion on different ways of offering adult faith...resources, context, locations, etc. 3) Finally, a look at some resources that the Diocese has available for parish Adult Faith. Come join the conversation. Bring a coffee, bring your ideas, bring a friend. Session will be held JANUARY 18, 2022, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE EVANGELIZATION AND THE PANDEMIC: CONCERNS, HOPES, AND DREAMS: At this interactive evening session, participants will be given the opportunity to share their concerns as well as their hopes and dreams for parish life and their ministry engagement after the pandemic. There will be an opportunity to plan first, second, third... steps that will bring that vision to reality with others who share a similar ministry. Come prepared to hope, to vision, and to work out practical action steps for your area of engagement in your parish. Session will be held JANUARY 27, 2022, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE These events are possible due to the generosity of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supporters. A heartfelt thank you to all who donate. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY: 8-day virtual bible study series based on the themes for Week of Prayer 2022 which will run Tuesday, January 18th - Tuesday, January 25th from 12:15 - 1:00pm daily over Zoom with the exception of Sunday, January 23rd which will be held at 3pm. This virtual bible study is sponsored in partnership with The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and The Regina Council of Churches. The theme for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 is "We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Matthew 2:2). Materials have been prepared by the Middle East Council of Churches based in Beirut, Lebanon. This theme is developed through a series of reflections which extend over eight days and will be the basis of the bible study. Each day will be led by a different denominational leader. The daily themes are as follows: Day 1 (Tue Jan 18): Raise us up and draw us to your perfect light: “We observed his star in the East” (Mt 2:2) Day 2 (Wed Jan 19): Humble leadership breaks down walls and builds up with love: “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?” (Mt 2:2) Day 3 (Thu Jan 20): The presence of Christ, turning the world upside down: “When Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him” (Mt 2:3) Day 4 (Fri Jan 21): Though small and suffering, we lack nothing: “And you, Bethlehem…are by no means least” (Mt 2:6) Day 5 (Sat Jan 22): Guided by the one Lord: “Ahead of them went the star that they had seen at its rising” (Mt 2:9) Day 6 (Sun Jan 23): Gathered in worship around the One Lord: “They saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage” (Mt 2:11) Day 7 (Mon Jan 24): The gifts of communion: “Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Mt 2:11) Day 8 (Tue Jan 25): Beyond the familiar routes of separation to God’s new paths: “They left for their own country by another road” (Mt 2:12) Christian Unity (Ecumenism) Zoom Session – January 26th, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. Please invite your friends and acquaintances from the Catholic Church as well as those from other Christian faiths in your community to discuss these questions: What experiences of dialogue and collaboration do we have with believers of other Christian traditions and denominations? What do we share, and how do we journey together? What fruits have we drawn from walking together? Where are the difficulties? How can we take the next step in walking forward with each other? If you would like to attend the Synod session on Christian Unity, please REGISTER HERE. Upcoming Zoom Sessions: · Celebration (The Mass, Prayer, Devotions (rosary, pilgrimages etc.) – February 23rd REGISTER HERE · Missionary Disciples (Sharing Responsibility) – March 23rd REGISTER HERE What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: On Epiphany, we celebrate (c) the three kings seeing Jesus. The feast of the three kings, or Epiphany, is the day many people in other countries exchange their Christmas gifts. This is in honour of the three gifts the kings brought to Jesus—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This week’s question: There are two main parts of the Bible, the Old Testament and the (a) Book of Genesis (b) Book of Proverbs (c) Book of Daniel (d) New Testament. [pg. 11, #1] OUTCASTS WHO BELONG: JESUS AND UNNAMED WOMEN IN THE GOSPELS - Join Sr. Teresita Kambeitz OSU and learners from around the world on Zoom as we explore this compelling topic. “He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him.” (John 1:11) Jesus, an “outsider,” shared the lot of women who were outcasts due to their status, infirmity or life situation. In these presentations we reflect - with visuals and stories - on the encounters of the outsider Jesus with ten unnamed outsider women who belong as insiders in the new world he came to establish. Presentation #1 - Outsider women due to their status: · Woman who anointed Jesus on his head (Mk. 14:3-9; Mt. 26:6-13; Jn. 12:1-8); · Widow of Nain (Lk. 7:11-17); · Widow who gave her last mite (Lk. 21:1-4); · Syrophoenician/Canaanite woman (Mk. 7:24-30; Mt. 15:21-28) Presentation #2 - Outsider women due to their infirmity: · Woman bent double (Lk. 13:10-17); · Woman with hemorrhage (Mk. 5:24-34; Mt. 9:18-26; Lk. 8:40-56); · Daughter of Jairus (Mk. 5:21-24; Mt. 9:23-26; Lk. 8:49-56) Presentation #3 - Outsider women due to their life situation: · Woman who wept at his feet (Lk. 7:36-50); · Woman taken in adultery (Jn. 8:1-11); · Woman at the well (Jn. 4:7-42) Thursdays, January 20, 27 & February 3, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., repeated 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $90 for three sessions. Registration deadline: January 18. BECAUSE YOU MATTER: A CELEBRATION OF WOMEN’S VOICES - join women from many Christian traditions for a weekend ecumenical retreat at Queen’s House. Facilitators: Becky Thomas www.storysongproductions.ca and Jodi Kozan www.jodikozan.com. Friday February 4, 7:00 p.m. - Sunday February 6, 1:00 p.m. Live-in or commute. For all details including the schedule and topic of each workshop, visit https://www.queenshouse.org/programs/. Early Bird registration fee $175 - register by January 14. Additional costs if living-in during this retreat. Registration deadline: January 28.
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