Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord.” Psalm 4 Refrain April 18, 2021 - 3rd Sunday of Easter Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien Finance Council Chair: Mass Attendance: If you would like to attend mass on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings in Meadow Lake, please call the Parish Office 306-236-5122 BEFORE FRIDAY NOON and leave a message. Reservations are necessary as we have limited capacity (30 people), and we do not want to turn someone away from the door. SaskHealth/Diocese of Prince Albert Regulations – The presence of the Covid-19 variants is causing concern amongst health care professionals because they are more serious in that they spread more easily and have a greater negative impact on our health. Statistics show that they are also having a significant impact on younger people. We are encouraged to maintain our vigilance as the virus has not gone away. As a result of the latest guidelines published by Sask Health and communicated to us via our Bishop, Our Lady of Peace Parish can accommodate a total of 30 persons at each of our Saturday evening (7:00 pm mass) and Sunday morning (10:00 am mass). While we were excited to welcome more people for Easter and the Second Sunday of Easter, we must once again limit participation in our liturgies to 30 people. If you would like to take part in our liturgy you must register, maintain social distance, wear a mask and sanitize your hands. A virtual liturgy continues to fulfill our Sunday obligation. Our Liturgies at Green Lake and Waterhen Lake are likewise limited by these regulations. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Mass Intentions Mon., April 19 - Personal Intention Tues., April 20 – 11:30 am (Facebook) - +Tanya Aubichon by Alice Aubichon Wed. April 21 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - +Ernest and Cecile Aubichon by Alice Aubichon Thurs., April 22 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - +Joe Bouvier by Alice Aubichon Fri., April 23 - 6:30 pm (Facebook) - +Tony Senger by Alice Aubichon Sat., April 24 - 9:00 am (Facebook) - +Lorne Aubichon by Alice Aubichon Sat. April 25 - 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall, Meadow Lake) - People of God Sun. April 26 - 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun. April 26- 12:30 pm (St Jude’s, Green Lake) - People of God Sun. April 26 – 3 pm (Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen Lake) - People of God Easter – The meaning of the Season (Taken from p 167 The Source Book For Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, Liturgy Training Publications, Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago, 2019) Alleluia! It is impossible for us to sing alleluia too much as we celebrate this season of Easter. In fact, “these above all others are the days for the singing of the Alleluia” (UNLY 22 – Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the General Roman Calendar). No other word encapsulates the superabundance of joy, the triumph of Christ and his victory over the grave, and our identity as an Easter people living in the light of Christ with the promise of eternal life. The Roman Missal includes five Prefaces for Easter and all five begin “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, but in this time (or, in Preface 1, ‘on this night’/’on this day’) above all to laud you yet more gloriously, when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.” All five conclusions are identical as well. “Therefore, overcome with paschal joy, / every land, every people exults in your praise / and even the heavenly Powers, with the angelic hosts, / sing together the unending hymn of your glory, / as they acclaim.” These shared introductions and conclusions make clear that all fifty days are to be celebrated with exuberance. Indeed, citing St. Athanasius, UNLY decrees that the fifty days of this season are “celebrated in joyful exultation as one feast day, or better as one ‘great Sunday.’” (22) Patrick Regan, OSB, offers a reflection on the history of these fifty days that can help us to understand and liturgically celebrate the season. Drawing on Tertullian, Augustine, and other Church Fathers, he explains that early Christians did not conceive of these days as “time after” (after Easter Sunday) or “time between” (between Easter and Pentecost) but rather as a lengthy celebration of “rejoicing in the resurrection, ascension, bestowal of the Spirit, and founding of the Church, understood not as separate episodes succeeding each other in time, but as different facets of one and the same mystery of Jesus’ exaltation as Lord” (“The Fifty Days and the Fiftieth Day” in Between Memory and Hope, ed Johnson, pp 223-24). Reflections – Evangelization and Catechesis Commission - Part One, April 13, 2021 - Shortly after my arrival as pastor to the Meadow Lake Cluster, I was asked to serve on the Evangelization and Catechesis Commission in the Diocese of Prince Albert. This work has been rewarding in that I can connect (via Zoom) with people (Clergy and Laity) from around the Diocese who are passionate about the work of evangelization and catechesis. With the publication of the new Directory for Catechesis by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, Christine Taylor is leading us in a study of the Book. We are meeting every two weeks and examining a chapter at a time. The idea is to understand and make use of the wisdom gathered by the Universal Church. The insights about catechesis and evangelization help us to enter more deeply into our work, our mission of sharing with the whole of the world the Good News of Jesus Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension. I want to take this opportunity to share some of the ideas that caught my eye from our most recent gathering. Earlier we had looked at the preface and the Introduction of the book. These reflections flow from our discussion of Chapter One. You will notice that after the quotes there is a reference which indicates the paragraph number in the document. In the Preface we were reminded that St. Pope Paul VI said, “The Church exists in order to evangelize” and Pope Francis said, “I am a mission”. Part One of the new Directory is entitled “Catechesis in the Church’s Mission of Evangelization” and Chapter One is entitled, ‘Revelation and Its Transmission.’ The Chapter begins by reminding us that “Revelation is an initiative of God’s love and is directed toward communion” par12, our encounter with each other and with God. In other words, God wants to be known by us, God wants us to know each other, and God does whatever God can to reach out to us. Jesus is God’s love made known, “He inaugurates and proclaims the Kingdom of God for every person. Jesus Christ with his life, is the fullness of Revelation: he is the complete manifestation of God’s mercy, and at the same time of the call to love that is in the heart of humanity” par15. The Directory states that this “Revelation is for all of humanity” par22. The Directory tells us that, “Evangelization is an ecclesial process, inspired and supported by the Holy Spirit, through which the Gospel is proclaimed and spread throughout the world” par31. It suggests that there are various stages and moments in the process which can and must be repeated and deepened throughout the course of our faith journey. Missionary activity, Initiatory catechesis and Pastoral action highlight the main stages of evangelization. In our contemporary world it is still “the Holy Spirit who is the soul of the evangelizing Church” par39. The Directory reminds us that the process of evangelizing must consider the various cultures of the peoples we encounter. We all have unique histories, languages, and stories. Having said that, we also need to acknowledge that the phenomena of globalization has brought various aspects of culture to every corner of the world. The media and social media contribute to our awareness of each other and the distance that separates us. The Directory states: “In order to be at the service of Revelation, the Church is called to look at history with God’s own eyes so as to recognize the action of the Holy Spirit…” par42. In our times we must be attentive to what is shaping the lives and choices of the people we encounter. The Directory reminds us that the processes of evangelization and catechesis reach out, seek out people, and this outreach is characterized by mercy and dialogue par38-41. If the work of catechesis and evangelization is indeed the work and mission of the Church, it is important to acknowledge that the work of outreach is the work of every baptized person in our community. It struck me as I listened to the insights of others that this sense of ourselves, as missionary, is a new and exciting awareness and my companions are eager to take up this work and to have others join them in this work. This is, for me, a sign of hope during the Covid-19 pandemic. Landscaping Plans & Committee: As you know, when we took down the Old Parish Office Building it was late in the fall and the ground was freezing and frozen. The hole was filled with sand. In taking a close look at the property, there is need for some landscaping – what do we do with that space? While looking at that space, it is prudent for us to look at what might be done to enhance the beauty of our entire Church yard. I am thinking that it would be good to develop a plan for our Church yard so that rather than reacting to immediate needs or concerns we work towards a plan for our property. If you have ideas or if you would like to be a part of a committee or if you are willing to do some work, please be in touch with Fr. Doug at the parish office. Thanks! Looking forward to what we can do together to enhance the beauty of our property! Grotto Rosary Project - May 2021 - Please note this project may be adjusted because of Covid-19. During the month of May it is my hope to have people from the parish come and pray the rosary every day at 6:00 pm at our Grotto. I have prepared a list of intentions for the month. You are asked to come – rain, snow, wind, sun, or mosquitos and lead the rosary. All people are invited to come (masked, social distancing – not more than 10 people total), so you may not be alone. If you sign up to lead the rosary, you are responsible for leading the rosary! You can lead the rosary in the language of your choice, regardless of who else is there. If you need help to lead the rosary, an outline will be available in a plastic bag in Fr. Doug’s mailbox! May 1 – For the safety of all who work May 2 – For all our parents May 3 – For all our children May 4 – For all who struggle with Covid-19 May 5 – For our deceased family and friends May 6 – For the homeless May 7 – For those who are struggling to forgive another May 8 – In gratitude for all that we have received May 9 – For all mothers, living and deceased May 10 – For the gift of peace May 11 – For those who are struggling with addictions May 12 – For the grace to forgive ourselves May 13 – In gratitude for the gift of the earth May 14 – For the blessing of our seeds and the fields that receive them May 15 – For farmers – their work with animals and fields May 16 – For those who work in our forests May 17 – In gratitude for our medical professionals May 18 – For all who are sick in our parish May 19 – For the victims of sexual abuse May 20 – For those who are in prison May 21 – For those who suffer from domestic violence May 22 – For those who struggle with their mental health May 23 – For parents who are expecting children May 24 – In gratitude for our grandparents May 25 – For those who suffer because of racism May 26 – For reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters May 27 – For all immigrants and refugees May 28 – For all who will graduate this year May 29 – For all who seek the Lord May 30 – In gratitude for the diversity of our community May 31 – For our parish community that we might welcome those who are most in need If you would like to sign up to lead the rosary at the Grotto – rain or shine – just call Lorraine at the Parish Office (306) 236 5122 to let her know which day you would like to volunteer to lead. You are welcome to come any night at 6:00 pm to join with whoever is praying as long as we do not exceed 10 people. There is no need to register if you just want to come and pray. Looking forward to seeing you as we gather in the presence of Our Blessed Mother, seeking the favour of the Lord. A Virtual Easter Season Sunday Gospels Study offered by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, facilitated by Christine Taylor. A Virtual Easter Bible Study of the Gospel readings for each of the Easter Season Sundays has been created using The Catholic Serendipity Bible for Personal and Study Groups, Lyman Coleman. The reflection and bible study will run Thursdays from April 8 – May 20 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. To register, go to the Evangelization and Catechesis Webpage Adult Faith Easter Resources web page. You will see the registration link in the left-hand column. The bible study that we will be following can be found here. We will be praying in the style of Lectio Divina for the first 20 minutes of each evening. This will be followed by small groups sharing on questions designed to help participants dig deeper into the Gospel reading. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be offered during the Easter Season until Pentecost inviting and supporting families in their domestic Church to grow the faith at home. It will be available both on the OEC Facebook Page and the Diocesan Evangelization and Catechesis Webpage on Sundays after 11 a.m. from April 11 – May 23, 2021. Upcoming Ordinations and Celebrations 2021: 1. Seminarian Tai Le to the transitional diaconate. Date: April 30, 2021 7pm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfmKF5Xku9adlopGgSEqkpA/videos 2. Bishop-Elect Stephen Hero to the episcopate. Date: June 11, 2021 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/padiocese.ca/ 3. Sr. April Mireau of the Sisters of Presentation of Mary solemn profession of vows. Date: June 12, 2021 11am You are invited to participate virtually and spiritually. Call the diocese office (306—922-4747) to inquire as to whether you can attend in person; registration is on a first call basis. Additionally, you can join virtually on St. Theresa Parish Youtube page (for Tai Le’s diaconate, April 30, 7pm) and the Diocesan Facebook page (for Bishop-Elect Stephen Hero’s episcopal ordination, June 11, 7pm.) We would like to invite you to take part in a spiritual bouquet through your parish. People often ask, what to get Clergy or religious for their ordinations or solemn professions? We suggest – prayer. It is the prayer of the people that will sustain them throughout their ministry. To this end, we are asking each parishioner to offer a prayer (a Rosary, Holy Hour, Days of Fasting, Act of Charity, Special Novena, or any other spiritual action) for our parish spiritual bouquet for Deacon Tai, Bishop Stephen and Sr. April. "What is a Spiritual Bouquet?" Spiritual Bouquets are prayers or devotional acts that someone (the giver) has or will offer for someone else (the recipient). The idea is that each prayer is like a flower, and combined prayers are a bouquet offered to the individual. It can be given from an individual or a parish to express joy and/or best wishes. It is our hope that our newly ordained and professed will keep these bouquets close to their hearts for the rest of their lives.
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