Our Lady of Peace Parish
Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours For Parish Secretary: Monday - Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Office Hours For Fr. Doug: Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 “Praise the Lord, O my soul!” - Psalm 146 Refrain November 7, 2021 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI Parish Secretary: Lorraine Thibeault Pastoral Council Chair: Doris Beaubien In Saskatchewan, the nurses and doctors in our hospitals and Intensive Care Units continue to struggle to accommodate the sick. People we know in our communities continue to fall sick, suffer and, in some cases, die. Our average daily case rate and death rate continue to be among the highest per capita in Canada. Getting vaccinated is the best thing we can do to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Please encourage one another to get vaccinated. Wearing masks, sanitizing, social distancing and limiting the size of gatherings also help. Let us be safe and care for one another. Please be aware that if you HAVE NOT been vaccinated and you choose to join us for liturgy, you are EXPOSING YOURSELF TO SERIOUS RISK because of the COVID-19 virus. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Mass Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. Tuesday to Friday and Sunday the masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Nov. 8 – No mass - Personal Intention Tues., Nov. 9 – No mass - +Gisella Greschner by Jane & Ed Weber Wed., Nov. 10 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - +Theresa Lange by Jane & Ed Weber Thurs., Nov. 11 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - Anonymous Fri., Nov. 12 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - Dave Pope by Marty & Val Bishop Sat., Nov. 13 – 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church, ML) - +Helen Kolynchuk by Jane & Ed Weber Sun., Nov. 14 – 10 am (Our Lady of Peace Church, Meadow Lake & Facebook) - People of God Sun., Nov. 14 – 12:30 pm (St. Jude’s Church, Green Lake - People of God Sun., Nov. 14 – 3 pm (Our Lady of the Smile Church, Waterhen Lake) - People of God CWL NEWS
Pope Francis Intention for November: Each month our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has a special prayer intention for the Church. This month the Pope is praying for those who suffer from mental health challenges. We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life. The Pope reflected on our need to reach out and support one another. You can see the Pope’s reflections by checking out the Vatican website: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-11/pope-francis-november-2021-prayer-intention-depression-sufferers.html Diocesan Pastoral Council Update – Zoom Meeting – October 30th: On Saturday, Oct. 30 our Diocese hosted a Zoom Meeting where people from across the Diocese could take part in the opening of the Synod. The day began with a welcome, a prayer and information for the smooth running of the day. Bishop Stephen gave a presentation on what a Synod is. He shared with us the story of the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus drawing to our attention the fact that the disciples were discouraged, full of sorrow, walking away from their community and the experience of the death of Jesus. Jesus walked with them, listened to their stories and eventually, in the breaking of the Bread they recognized him. Change settled on them and they hurried to share their story with the community in Jerusalem. He went on to share the story of Pentecost and how the Spirit came upon the disciples, gifted them, and enabled them to move out together to share the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection. Bishop Stephen explained that the word Synod comes from Greek words meaning ‘together’ and ‘the path’. Thus, a synod is a walking together on the path. Our Synod will involve listening and walking together to share the Good News from our Community. Andrea Gareau explained the Parish Handbook outlining some approaches for our involvement in the Synod. We then engaged the process to see what it felt like. We reflected on the following questions:
After taking some time for reflection the plan was that we would have three rounds of sharing. In Round One, we share our stories and responses and then take time for reflection. In Round Two, we share what struck us/moved us as participants and take time for reflection. In Round Three, we share what we feel the Spirit is asking of us and we share any unresolved questions. As our group was large, we did Rounds One and Three. Because of the importance of confidentiality, I cannot tell you what people shared. I can tell you that it was a privilege to hear my brothers and sisters speak. I look forward to providing people with the opportunity to make their voices and stories heard throughout the Meadow Lake Cluster. When we returned to the Diocesan Group, we listened to some reflections from across the Diocese. Our time together ended with the leaders of the Synod making themselves available to answer our questions. Our next step is to develop a committee in each faith community which will establish a process so that we can hear one another speak of our experience without judgment. We know that Jesus is walking with us and waiting to break bread with us so that we can experience the fire of the Spirit burning within. Furnishing a Room in the Northwest Community Lodge. As a Catholic Parish, it is important that we are engaged in the life of the community. Many of our Elders (Family and Friends) are residents of The Lodge. As a parish we will donate $12,00.00 to furnish a room at The Lodge. Our donation will provide the following: new beds with many functions to support each resident’s needs, new mattresses, bed side tables, chairs, built-in desk and closets in each suite. Each resident will have their own private washroom as well. Parishioners can donate with a cheque payable to, “Our Lady of Peace Parish” indicating it is for “Furnishing a room at NCL”. When we reach $12,000.00 the parish will make a contribution to the Northwest Community Lodge Association. Your donation will be added to your envelope total and your envelope will be receipted as per usual. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Doug or Pat Bencharski! THE BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: “To Serve and Give His Life”: The Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports Catholic Family Services both in Prince Albert and North Battleford and in the surrounding areas. Their goal is to enhance and strengthen the mental and emotional health of individuals, couples, families and groups. Catholic Family Services provides counselling and support. No one is ever denied service because of their economic situation. As a non-profit agency, they rely on funding from many sources including the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. With our financial support, we can help those in need. “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” Proverbs 18:16 How are we doing? As of October 30, 2021, the goal for Our Lady of Peace Parish is $16,417 and we have received 13 pledges amounting to: $4,534.00. The goal for St. Jude’s Parish is $1,228.00 and we have received 2 pledges amounting to: $700.00. The Diocesan goal is $450,000 and the Diocese has received 296 pledges amounting to $104,094. What Are We Waiting For? Finding Meaning in Advent and Christmas. Wednesday, November 17, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ will be joining us via Zoom to help us prepare for the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas. Through a series of stories and reflections, we will be invited to reflect anew on the gospel stories heard during these days. If you want to take part in this presentation from the comfort of your own home you can do so by using the following link to REGISTER or you can join us here in the Church to watch the presentation. In this case, please contact the parish office (306-236-5122). If you have difficulty registering, please contact the Parish Office. Fr. Doug will register those who choose to gather in the Church, and he will be here for all the presentations. Glasgow COP26 (Oct 31-Nov12) – People from around the world have gathered in Glasgow, Scotland to reflect on how we can deal with the warming of the earth. Pope Francis reminds us that we as Catholics have a role to play in reducing the production of greenhouse gases. Sr. Sabrina Chiefari, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, Toronto, ON and Sr. Darlene O’Leary, Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish, Antigonish, NS are part of the eight-member Canadian Ecumenical Delegation, a group of faith-based leaders taking part in the Conference. Sr. Darlene offers the following quotes from Day One of the Conference: “Total inclusion must be the foundation upon which this process is built. We are all facing the same climate emergency. We must all be part of the solution.” Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) “US and Canada Indigenous have stopped or delayed the equivalent of one quarter of climate emissions. Back us or let us lead. Get in line or get out of the way!” India Logan Riley, Indigenous Representative, Te Ara Whatu, Aotearoa UNFCCC Patricia Espinosa “Let Glasgow be the beginning of a new era of resiliency.” And “As poet Robbie Burns said, ‘Now is the day, now is the hour’.” Abdulla Shahid, Chair, UN General Assembly “we have failed to act with the conviction needed and we have run out of excuses – let’s get it done.” Pope Francis – Tweet – “This is a moment to dream big, to rethink our priorities – what we value, what we want, what we seek – and re-plan our future, committing to act in our daily life on what we have dreamed of. The time to act, and to act together, is now. #COP26 Sr. Darlene is offering regular reflections on the following website: https://crc-canada.org/en/. Scripture Insights – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2021: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2020, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 384. “The widow’s mite” would be a suitable headline for today’s readings. True generosity is portrayed through the lives of two widows, the most vulnerable people in society. In the First Reading a widow, in the middle of a great famine, shares the last of her resources with the prophet Elijah. Elijah’s trust and encouragement (“Do not be afraid.”) strengthen her trust in God, and her generosity in sharing her last meal with Elijah is rewarded with a supply of food that lasts throughout the famine. Today’s Gospel reading opens with Jesus’ remarks about the scribes, and these provide the context for what follows. He is criticizing the Jewish scribes, the legal experts, for being more interested in receiving honour from people than serving them. Jesus singles out the way “they devour the houses of widows”—a devastating criticism! In contrast to their selfishness, Jesus observes a widow in the Temple who provides an authentic example of sacrificial giving. Jesus draws attention to her putting “two small coins worth a few cents” into one of the thirteen collection boxes. Sadly, this translation has lost the beauty of a long English tradition! Literally, the translation should read: “a poor widow came and threw in two mites that make up half a farthing!” The coin referred to here as “a mite” (from the Greek word, lepton) is the lowest denomination of a coin that has ever been struck by any nation in history! And yet she is giving to the treasury what in fact she could not afford. Both readings illustrate the genuine self-sacrificing nature of giving. The widows gave to the extent of hurting! These acts of self-sacrifice by the poorest and most vulnerable offer a beautiful foreshadowing of the genuine self-sacrifice of Jesus, whereby he gave his very life for our salvation.
DIOCESAN NEWS & BEYOND THE LAUDATO SI ACTION PLATFORM will be launched on November 14th. It allows Catholic parishes, schools, families to take tangible steps so that their actions reduce their impact on God's Creation, our common home. Each group will create a 7-year plan. The platform is easy to use, allowing you to obtain a certificate later. https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/. The Green Churches Network is the official partner of the Laudato Si Platform for Action in Canada. For 15 years now, this charity has been helping churches to care for our common home through concrete actions and a spirituality based on integral ecology. https://greenchurches.ca/ All of these links can also be found on our Website under Social Justice. https://www.padiocese.ca/social-justice What’s your Catholic IQ? Last bulletin’s question and answer: Catechists are chambers of the early Church (b) those who teach the faith. The word catechist comes from a Greek word meaning “echo.” Catechists have echoed the faith to their students through the ages. This week’s question: Using a fish as a symbol of Christ (a) dates from the early days of Christianity (b) was a secret way early Christians showed other believers that they were Christian (c) was used because the Greek word for fish formed an abbreviation of Jesus titles (d) al
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
February 2025
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