6/30/2020 0 Comments Progress on the Grotto - June 30thJust a few photos to show the progress that is being made on the Grotto. If you would like to make a contribution - work/money - please be in touch with the Parish Office!
6/29/2020 0 Comments Monday Morning News, June 29, 2020Just a few little reminders folks...
1. Thanks for the many birthday greetings. I am filled with gratitude by your kindness! 2. There is no mass today on Facebook...since I have returned to having masses on Saturday and Sunday I am taking Monday off.....I will celebrate mass privately but will not be in the Office...I will collect my calls and such on Tuesday... 3. The Knights are planning to do some tree trimming and painting around the parish property...if you can help out that would be great...they will gather at 7:00 pm tonight...perhaps the weather will hold...perhaps not...if you can help be in touch with Chris Bencharski for further information...or as he is affectionately known "Chainsaw Chris"! 🤣🤣🤣I am told he wields a chainsaw with ease and skill! 4. On Wednesday, July 1, the Parish Office will be closed...Happy Canada Day everyone! 5. On Wednesday, July 1, Mass will be celebrated on Facebook at 7:00 pm as we will be celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion with Dwayne and Rianna...please pray for them and their families... 6. If you would like to take part in the liturgies this Saturday/Sunday at Our Lady of Peace Parish, YOU MUST REGISTER (again) by 12:00 noon on Friday, July 3, 2020. NO last minute calls Friday night or Saturday morning...If you miss pre-registering you can take part in the mass virtually! Please DO NOT show up Saturday evening or Sunday morning expecting to take part in the mass...This is not negotiable! In order to be generous and welcoming and safe and fair we need you to REGISTER IN ADVANCE! We are trying to keep everyone safe! Please do your part and register in advance! Thanks! If you plan to come to Mass in one of the parishes please plan on wearing a mask - for you and for everyone who gathers with you...I appreciate this is challenging for you - it is challenging for me but these are not ordinary times. Let us keep everyone safe! Please share this information with as many folks as you can! 6/26/2020 0 Comments News This Week!This week-end we will celebrate mass in Meadow Lake at Our Lady of Peace Parish on Saturday night in the Parish Hall at 7:00 pm AND in the Church on Sunday morning at 10:00 am. If you plan to come please be prepared to serve as a Lector - reading the scriptures and the General Intercessions.
Mass will be celebrated at St. Jude's Parish in Green Lake at 12:30 and at Our Lady of the Smile Parish in Waterhen Lake at 3:00 pm. You may have heard of our efforts to build a Grotto between the Church and the Rectory in honor of Our Lady of Peace and to afford us some encouragement in these difficult times. It will be a small structure with an 8feet x 8feet footprint. I have asked Rhys Beaulieu to take the lead on this project. If you would like to lend a helping hand with the work, please be in touch with Rhys directly or contact the parish office (306) 236-5122 and I will pass your name on to him. As you know special projects require money to complete. Money is always in short supply and especially at difficult times like this. This project will cost us approximately $1500.00 to complete. If you are able and would like to contribute to the construction of the Grotto, please be in touch with the parish office. Any financial help you can offer will be greatly appreciated as we move forward with this project to honor Our Lady of Peace. The feast of our Lady of Peace is normally celebrated on July 9 and it is my hope that we can have a special mass on that day to honor our parish patron. I am hoping that we can have the Grotto blessed on that day or very soon after that day if all the stars line up perfectly! 😀 When we do have the blessing we will make sure to respect the Saskatchewan Health Authority Guidelines and the Diocesan Guidelines for gatherings. You may notice if you drive by the Church/Rectory four flower pots - the holes for the posts and a pile of gravel - for the cement...things have started. I shall try to keep you posted! Please stay tuned for further developments. Congratulations to Kendal, Avery and Brynn who celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion, taking one more step in their faith journey with our parish community and deepening their relationship to our God! May you remember this day as your life unfolds! Congratulations to Owen Pabalan and his family! Owen was baptized here at Our Lady of the Peace Parish on Thursday, June 25 marking his Initiation into our parish community! 6/21/2020 0 Comments National Indigenous Peoples DayGood Morning my friends:
The following letter was sent to all Oblates and Associates from our Leadership Team. I am sharing it with all of you that you might know that a significant number of people desire a new relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. A relationship that is rooted in reconciliation and respect for the dignity of the human person. On June 21, we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples' Day in Canada. As we mark this important day on our national calendar, the Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle is encouraging the Federal Government to reclaim the cooperative moment of breakthrough in the negotiations with the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs experienced over the weekend of February 28 - March 1, 2020. The Circle calls to attention the need for more progress to be made across the country in the practical implementations of First Nations rights and title over their lands and traditional territories. June 21, 2020 Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle 2500 Don Reid Drive Ottawa, ON K1H 2J2 The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1S 0A2 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, As the country prepares to start up the economy after the long pause of confinement, this is an opportunity for new beginnings, since it has been demonstrated that many can work together for the common good. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle encourages you to reclaim the cooperative moment of breakthrough in the recent negotiations with the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs. It was good that these parties came to some agreement over measures that begin to implement the Supreme Court’s 1997 Delgamuukw-Gisday’wa decision. We join our voice with those of other spiritual leaders who have been calling for peaceful and respectful dialogue. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle is a Catholic coalition of Indigenous people, bishops, lay movements, clergy and institutes of consecrated life engaged in renewing and fostering relationships between the Catholic Church and Indigenous Peoples in Canada. The Circle began in 2016 as a Catholic response to the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. More progress needs to be made across the country in practical implementations of First Nations rights and title over their lands and traditional territories. Indeed, the blockades and other solidarity actions are signs of frustration with the slow progress of reconciliation. For example, it has taken 23 years to start implementing the Delgamuukw-Gisday’wa decision. We therefore encourage your government to use this new moment to continue dialogue in the spirit of the Court’s judgement and related decisions. Indeed, respectful and unpressured dialogue that respects each party’s ways of proceeding, and an atmosphere that supports such dialogue, are important spiritual aspects of moving forward in a good way. Sustaining a spiritual dimension in dialogue may slow things down, but in the long run we believe it is the best way to keep all the parties engaged and to maintain respect for reconciliation. Such a spiritual approach, with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework, will also help to build a common public understanding of Indigenous and Treaty rights. This leads to a foundation for reconciliation, ecology and economic development that respects the land. In this good way we can all build a better future together. Led by Indigenous people themselves, Canadians −including the Christian churches− have come a long way in the work of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. There is still much more of the way to be walked. We therefore urge you to continue to dialogue, consult and reach common decisions in calm, respectful ways, which are spiritual ways. With gratitude for your dedication to the common good and to the demanding work of public service, we are Sincerely yours, Archbishop Murray Chatlain, co-chair Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas Rosella Kinoshameg, co-chair Wiikwemkoong First Nation CC. The Honourable Andrew Scheer Leader of the Official Opposition National Chief Perry Bellegarde Assembly of First Nations Information for Members of Meadow Lake Cluster, June 2020
As a result of COVID-19, our ability to gather as God’s people has undergone some serious restrictions and we will continue to experience restrictions/changes as the coming weeks and months unfold. We thank you for your understanding and your care for your self and your brothers and sisters. Going forward, we must live with the awareness that the virus is unseen, and we can be infected if we are not careful. As we gather once again for the physical celebration of the Eucharist, the Church has two concerns: that we take care of one another, and that all who want to take part in the liturgy have equal opportunity to do so. The “how” of our liturgical celebrations will be informed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority Guidelines, the Guidelines from the Diocese of Prince Albert, our own situation as a Cluster and the size of our various facilities. People who have traveled out of province or have engaged in high risk activities (large group gatherings) are asked to wait 14 days before attending a liturgy. If you feel ill, have a cough or a fever please do not come to the liturgy. If you are over the age of 60, have a compromised immune system or live with people who have a compromised immune system, please be aware of the risk you are taking. The dispensation from physically taking part in the Sunday liturgy is still in effect and will remain in effect until the Bishop announces otherwise. You are still encouraged to take part in the liturgy via television or online celebrations if you can. How can I physically participate in the Liturgy? If you would like to attend a liturgy, please call the Parish Office at (306) 236 5122. Your name, the number of people coming with you, the date of the liturgy you are interested in attending, and your contact information will be requested. If we have more requests than we can safely accommodate at the liturgy, we will make a draw on Friday noon and then contact you Friday afternoon, letting you know that you have been selected to attend the liturgy. We cannot accommodate more than the number allowed by our building size and the guidelines. Due to the sanitizing requirements, access within our buildings will be limited. Please be advised that there will be no access to bathrooms in our buildings and things we used to do may no longer be allowed. What can I expect when I come to the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist?
These guidelines will be changed as we receive direction from the Saskatchewan Health Authority, from the Diocese of Prince Albert or from the leadership of our particular parish community. I personally want to thank you for your understanding during these changing times. We can rely on the faithfulness of God. What is less reliable is how we will celebrate God’s faithfulness in and through the sacraments in the weeks and months to come. We do know that there will be more changes in the near future. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at (306) 236 5122. |
Hi! My name is Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI and I am the pastor of the Meadow Lake Cluster. I serve the faith communities of Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen, St. Jude's, Green Lake and Our Lady of Peace, Meadow Lake. I arrived in the cluster on August 15th, 2019. You can see more information about me on the home page!Archives
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