The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, with the assistance of the Bishop’s Appeal sponsored a virtual conference with Dr. Josephine Lombardi a well-known author, teacher and pastoral worker. In our Cluster we gathered in Our Lady of Peace Parish Church to take part in the Zoom Conference. Dr. Lombardi spoke about the sacraments. Her theme was, “What are you looking for?” John 1:38.
Some highlights include: John knew his role, his gifts and limitations and he always pointed people to Jesus. The response of Jesus was, “What are you looking for?” People responded in various ways. Jesus invited them to come and see. Today people are looking for: something that gives life, meaning, a message of hope, love, purpose, acceptance, healing. In John’s gospel there is an invitation to follow, to see, conversion (a change of heart) People need to see that our encounter with Jesus changes our lives – they need to see in us a message of hope. Baptism – We are called, and we are sent. Know Jesus, believe in him, trust him, let him heal us. In Baptism we are reminded that God defines us, not social media or the negative voices of those who hate. Our family is bigger than our natural family – the communion of saints. Loneliness is hard on us. We need each other. In baptism we become like Christ. Confirmation – we are called and sent. Power is given to us in and through the gift of the Spirit. We cooperate with the gifts God has given us. Make the Good News accessible to all people. Eucharist – we are called and sent. We become what we consume. We are more than we are right now. We are sent to be a part of the Field Hospital. Marriage/Holy Orders – We are all called to be of service to one another, to be Holy, to love. We are to attract people by using our gifts to build up the Body of Christ. Our greatest achievement is not what we do but who we accompanied/raised up. Love is everything. Comparing ourselves to others steals our joy. We are to magnify God in all we say and do. Service is about building relationships. Collaboration is essential to building up the Kingdom of God. We cannot do it alone. Reconciliation – Evangelizing the wounded. Not all healing requires forgiveness, but all forgiveness requires healing. We need to be forgiven, and we need to hear we are forgiven. Anointing – Evangelizing the wounded. Pray for healing. What benefits my soul? We need to let go of our preferred outcomes and focus on what helps me to draw near to God. Healing is about surrendering – letting go of my wants and desires. When we surrender, God’s grace does hold us. In all things be hospitable. Be mindful of our tone. Our words and our actions need to say the same thing.
10/1/2020 0 Comments Praying the Rosary for VocationsThe Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries: Rosaries for Vocations
Our Diocesan Vocation Committee is inviting us to pray the rosary every day this month for vocations. Please join us! If you cannot say a whole rosary please say one Hail Mary every day asking Mary to intercede for our diocese, that we may have the priests, religious and deacons that we need to have our Church flourish proclaiming to all people that we are loved by our God! The Joyful Mysteries: A Rosary for Vocations 1st Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation Mary answers “Yes” to God’s call. Even though it was unexpected and the Archangel gives her only the details she needs to know at the present moment, she responds generously. Let us offer this decade for those who are being called to the priesthood or religious life that they, like Mary, may have the grace to respond whole-heartedly. 2nd Joyful Mystery: The Visitation Mary wastes no time in acting upon the grace of her vocation. Through her cooperation the plan of salvation is already unfolding. Let us pray for all those who accept to live a single life. May God’s grace hurry them forward to answer the call and thus begin to labor for the harvest. 3rd Joyful Mystery: The Nativity Our Savior comes to us in the midst of a family. How crucial is the role of the family! Let us offer this decade for all loving wives and husbands, for parents that they may provide an atmosphere of love and faith in the home, and for trusting children. 4th Joyful Mystery: The Presentation Joseph and Mary presented Jesus in the Temple and dedicated Him to Almighty God. They knew their Son was a gift from God to be given back to Him. Let us offer this decade for deacons and brothers. May they be faithful signs of God’s presence in their midst. 5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple This mystery tells of a very unplanned event in the life of Joseph and Mary. For days their hearts ached with sorrow until they found their Son. Let us offer this decade for those who have been called in any vocation but are hesitating. Like Joseph and Mary, may they continue to discern God’s will in their lives and accept it with courage and peace. The Luminous Mysteries: A Rosary for Vocations 1st Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Jesus The mystery of our Lord’s Baptism is the mystery of Jesus taking upon Himself the mission of the Messiah. Thus begins His public ministry. Let us offer this decade for deacons and brothers. Lord, grant them the courage and fidelity in accepting the mission to which they are called. 2nd Luminous Mystery: The Wedding Feast of Cana Through the intercession of Mary, Jesus transforms ordinary water into extraordinary wine. What incredible things God’s grace can do in our lives! Let us offer this decade for those who are called to live the single life. May they trust in the power of God to bring all things into completion as they say “yes” to His call. 3rd Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom Our Lord begins His public ministry by announcing the arrival of the Kingdom of God. What joyous news this is for all humanity to hear! Let us offer this decade for those who are fearful to accept their vocation. May they learn to accept the will of God and bear witness to it throughout their lives. 4th Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration Jesus strengthened the faith of His Apostles by allowing His divinity to be momentarily perceived. Let us offer this decade for all the women and men called to the sacrament of Matrimony. As they strive to live faithfully, may they become loving and gracious parents. 5th Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Holy Eucharist The gift of the Most Holy Eucharist is a mystery going beyond our ability to fully comprehend. Jesus gives Himself in the Holy Eucharist through the ministry of His priests. Let us offer this decade for all priests and religious. May God call many more and may they respond generously in love and peace. The Sorrowful Mysteries: A Rosary for Vocations 1st Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden Jesus asked His Apostles to pray so that they “might not enter into temptation.” Our Lord knew they needed to pray in order to endure what would soon happen. Let us pray for those men and women whom God is calling to be priests, religious, deacons, single people or married couples, that they might respond courageously to God’s call, and to cultivate a deep and abiding life of prayer in order to remain faithful to the end. 2nd Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar Our Lord’s suffering during the scourging was excruciating. For our sake Jesus offered himself to obtain our salvation. Let us offer this decade for the grace that many people might feel the desire in their hearts to offer themselves to God as deacons or single people. May their years of service be a beacon of life for others. 3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns Jesus endured the terrible ridicule and mockery of the soldiers even to the point of accepting the painful crown of thorns. Let us offer this decade for those who have a calling to the priesthood but find it difficult to say “yes” because of painful obstacles in their lives or the inability to leave the pleasures of our modern world. 4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross On the way to Calvary, our Lord found comfort and assistance from a number of people: Simon of Cyrene, the women of Jerusalem, His Mother, and Veronica. How much those acts of love must have meant to Jesus! Let us offer this decade for the grace to always support, with our prayers and sacrifices, those whom God is calling to religious life. 5th Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus At the foot of the Cross, there came into existence a new type of family. Before Jesus died He entrusted to the maternal care of Mary all of humanity, represented in the person of the “beloved disciple.” Let us offer this decade for those who are being called to the married life. Help them, Lord, to see that in serving you their family will be stronger and more fulfilled. The Glorious Mysteries: A Rosary for Vocations 1st Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection Our Lord’s Resurrection brought tremendous joy to His sorrowful followers. Never were their lives to be the same again. Let us offer this decade for an increase in grace in the hearts of those who are being called to be diocesan or religious priests. May they experience the immense joy of giving God their entire lives and saying “yes” to His call. 2nd Glorious Mystery: The Ascension Jesus ascended into Heaven, not to abandon us, but to be our hope. He continually intercedes for us before the throne of the Father and prepares a place for His faithful followers in the heavenly Kingdom. Let us offer this decade for an increase in the number of married couples who strive faithfully to attain their heavenly homeland. May these men and women always recognize the irreplaceable mission they have in raising their children in the faith through prayer and example. 3rd Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit The coming of the Holy Spirit transformed the timid Apostles into bold witnesses for the Gospel. The Church was sent forth with courage and zeal! Let us offer this decade for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon all He has chosen to labor as deacons or single people. May they respond boldly to the invitation to lay down their lives for Christ and His Church. 4th Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Mary The Second Vatican Council reminded us that Mary’s role in salvation history did not end with her Assumption into Heaven. She continually intercedes for all of us, her children, as we journey through life. Let us offer this decade asking Mary to intercede for an abundance of faithful and dedicated clergy and laity who will continue to serve in the various ministries of the Church. 5th Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of Mary This mystery brings before us the beauty of the faithfulness of Mary, the first disciple of the Lord. She who referred to herself as the “handmaid of the Lord” is now exalted far above even the Angels. The one who said “yes” to God in all things is now the Queen of heaven and earth. Let us offer this decade for those who have been called to religious life that they may always have the grace to serve God with joy. |
Hi! My name is Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI and I am the pastor of the Meadow Lake Cluster. I serve the faith communities of Our Lady of the Smile, Waterhen, St. Jude's, Green Lake and Our Lady of Peace, Meadow Lake. I arrived in the cluster on August 15th, 2019. You can see more information about me on the home page!Archives
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