Our Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 Blessed are those who live in your house, O Lord. Psalm 84 Refrain Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Uche Umechikelu, MSP Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Masses Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Dec. 30 – No mass Tues., Dec. 31– 10:00 am Liturgy with Communion at the Lodge Tues., Dec. 31 – 7:30 pm Holy Hour/Vigil Mass Wed., Jan. 1 – 10:00 am NEW YEAR CELEBRATION (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - Special Intention by Swapna Abraham & Bijo Augustine Thurs., Jan. 2 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Kevin Friedrich by Sister MaryAnn Fri., Jan. 3 – No mass (Priests day with the Bishop) Sat., Jan. 4 – No mass Sun., Jan. 5 – 10:00 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Sun., Jan. 5 – 12:30 pm (St. Jude’s Green Lake) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sunday Collection – Dec. 22: Meadow Lake $5354.40 Green Lake $241.95 Children’s Collection $3.70 Sunday Church Attendance – Dec. 22 – Adults 161 Children 24 Total 185 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for December – for pilgrims of hope – Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope. The Pope’s Prayer Intention for January – For the right to an education – Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected. Bishop’s Annual Appeal: “Bring Your Gifts to the Altar” October 27, 2024 – December 31, 2024 Every gift is greatly appreciated! Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Thank you for generously supporting the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The Annual Appeal goal for Our Lady of Peace is $16,392.00 and for St. Jude’s Parish is $1823.00. As of Dec. 16 our parish has 22 pledges for $6430.00. The diocese has received 740 pledges for $325004.48. World Day of Peace – January 1 – The World Day of Peace was established by Pope Paul VI in 1968 who asked that “every year, this commemoration be repeated as a hope and as a promise, at the beginning of the calendar which measures and outlines the path of human life in time, that Peace with its just and beneficent equilibrium may dominate the development of events to come.” Each year has a specific theme, chosen by the Holy Father. Taken from Ordo page 38 Scripture Insights – Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2025: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2024, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 40. Today’s Feast of the Holy Family highlights the importance of family, both in imagery and in history, for understanding God’s relationship with humankind. The readings begin in First Samuel with Hannah expressing her thankfulness for god’s response to her open petition. She remains faithful to her promise and returns the gift of her child Samuel in consecration to God. Samuel, in turn, becomes one of God’s key prophetic spokespeople. Together they present a unique model of family. Luke’s Gospel focuses on the one episode Scripture preserves of Jesus’ childhood. Jesus was drawn to those from whom he could learn and grow, though it caused concern for his family. Sometimes such hunches take us outside our boxes, as well as those of our family and our society. This may lead us to the path of finding authentic relationship with God broadening our understanding of family.
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
January 2025
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