Our Lady of Peace Parish Also Serving Our Lady of the Smile Parish, Waterhen Lake and St. Jude’s Parish, Green Lake Office Hours: Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 1-4:00 pm Office Phone: 306-236-5122 Cell Phone: 306-304-7271 Parish Email: [email protected] Pastor Email: [email protected] Facebook: Catholic Church Meadow Lake Website: https://www.meadowlakecatholicchurch.com/ Address: 504-3rd Ave. East, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1H5 The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. Psalm 126 Refrain Our Vision: A Community of Disciples Our Mission We commit to form disciples who joyfully and faithfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ by enriching our relationship with God and neighbour through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace. Pastor: Fr. Uche Umechikelu, MSP Parish Secretary: Pat Bencharski Masses Intentions When there is a funeral, the daily mass will normally be cancelled. Check Facebook for the most up-to-date information. On Tuesday to Friday and on Sunday, Our Lady of Peace masses will be livestreamed on Facebook. Mon., Oct. 28 – No mass Tues., Oct. 29 – 10:00 am Liturgy with Communion at the Lodge Tues., Oct. 29 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Hana Johnson by Troy & Rita Johnson & Family Wed., Oct. 30 – 6:30 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - +Carl & +Minnie Hofer by Jane & Ed Weber Thurs., Oct. 31 – 8:30 am Adoration before mass Thurs., Oct. 31 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - Tearza Hart by her family Fri., Nov. 1 – 9:30 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) (All Saints Day) - Special Intention by Swapna Abraham & Bijo Augustine Sat., Nov. 2 – 7:00 pm (Our Lady of Peace Church) (All Souls Day) - People of God Sun., Nov. 3 – 10:00 am (Our Lady of Peace Church & Facebook) - People of God Sun., Nov. 3 – 12:30 pm (St. Jude’s Green Lake) - People of God THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH
Sunday Collection – Oct. 20: Meadow Lake $1192.65 Green Lake $148.10 Children’s Collection $8.15 Sunday Church Attendance – Oct. 20 – Adults 139 Children 12 Total 151 The Pope’s Prayer Intention for October – for a shared mission – We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people. The Pope’s Prayer Intention for November – for anyone who has lost a child – We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit. Thank You – A huge thank you to all who helped in any way (volunteers, food givers and customers) for the success of our Fall Supper. The total raised was $3545.00. Bishop’s Annual Appeal: “Bring Your Gifts to the Altar” October 27, 2024 – December 31, 2024 Every gift is greatly appreciated! Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Please support the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The Appeal is directed at enabling the Bishop, through various diocesan programs, to fulfill the mission of the Church. It is one of the many ways in which, as responsible members of God’s family, we can share in the mission of spreading the Good News. Please pray for Kevin Friedrich whose funeral will be held on Saturday, November 2 at 2:00 pm in our church. Please remember Kevin and his family in your prayers. Scripture Insights – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Taken from Source Book for Sundays, Seasons and Weekdays 2024: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy, LTP Liturgy Training Publications Copyright 2023, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609, pg. 368. The readings this week show life with God as a journey along “the way.” In the Old Testament readings, “the way” is a journey home from exile in Babylon. God gathers his displaced people and brings them back to the land of Israel. It’s a familiar road. The Jews first walked it weeping after Israel’s defeat by Babylon. Now it is a path of joy and laughter as they set their hearts toward home. As the Gospel reading indicates, early Christians sometimes referred to the lifelong journey of following Jesus as “the way.” After the blind beggar Bartimaeus receives his sight again, he follows Jesus “on the way.” When Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus has a simple answer: “I want to see.” In Scripture, sight often has a double meaning. It means to see with one’s physical eyes, but it also means to see with the heart and the mind – to perceive or understand. Bartimaeus receives both kinds of sight. He is no longer physically blind and does not need to beg on the side of the road anymore. But he also sees correctly that Jesus is the Son of God. Just before Jesus heals Bartimaeus, he tells him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” The same Greek word is used for “heal” and “save”, and Jesus has done both: healed Bartimaeus and saved him. Instead of following Jesus’ instructions to “Go your way,” Bartimaeus does the right thing – he goes Jesus’ way instead, taking up the role of the disciple by following him.
· Bartimaeus calls to Jesus, and Jesus calls back to him. Recognizing his authority as the Son of David, Bartimaeus demonstrates that he knows who he’s talking to, and he knows what he needs. Jesus calls back to him, gives him what he asks for, and sends him on his way. What healing do we need before we are called and sent? Do we know what to ask for, and do we believe in the authority of the one we ask?
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Parish BulletinThis bulletin is prepared by the Parish Secretary and the Pastor Archives
February 2025
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